my honest take abt the bros

Sakuya--- August 11, 2024 7:27 am

fate has doomed them to be brothers (blood related or not) in every universe and im not surprised. their ending, which is an open end, is somehow a logical end for these two. tbh, reading abt them, their struggles, and their love for each other despite the said obstacle made me love them, making them my fave. i'm also wondering how they'll overcome this obstacle and break the news to their love ones who'll probably feel betrayed. they're the most ill-fated and controversial out of the 3 couples. regardless of how their end is, i want them to be happy, especially seoyoon (im biased lol) and work on their relationship moving forward (by just be brothers or not). i feel bad and love for them

    ji9moon September 2, 2024 8:53 am

    literally same ;A;