That's the sad reality babe, everyone is selfish even to a smallest thing, and to make it worse this manhwa is about survival of the world, it's human nature. Sometimes everyone even said
"You are rich, please donate more"
"You are good at socializing, please talk to them"
"You have good endurance, please do more"
"You are good with weapon, please protect us"
loving this story and caught up with the recent chapters just now. it may just be a mistranslation or missing context, but the whole “we must do these things whether we like it or not because we are strong and its our responsibility” thing is so awful. just because you were given amazing talent or abilities does not mean you must save the world. especially after everything MC has been through, it’s actually super selfish to think “well he has to because he’s strong!” i know MC will do whatever it takes even if he hates it, but that’s his own will and self-blaming. it doesn’t matter how important or strong he is, he should be allowed to live however the hell he wants WITHOUT the pressure from others.