I really don't mean it in like an aggressive way, but if you don't like it probably you shouldn't read it, don't suffer. Technically it is not incest because they are not linked by blood but yeah you mean that it's frowned up by society I understand. However there are other incest (event real) stories that are waaaay more shocking, but I feel that this one is interesting. I feel that there is a lot of mystery going on and the story is different from others even talking about polyamorous relationships which is not ordinary in BL without weird stuff. There are a looooot of other BL stories more normal romance oriented and I read it too, I just like to read various themes stories.
Is the author tired of writing normal romance ? Because this story definitely is not like the first two stories and keeps on getting twisted. No matter how you see it, Naru is using Mei in some way be it good or bad. I don't like this, even if they're not blood related incest is still incest. I'm not going to try to ignore it just because "they're not related by blood".