My advice-skip over to chapter 16 for when she meets adult Arthur. She also stops wearing glasses around here. That's where the meat of the story begins. Most of the stuff before that is background that establishes the beginnings of their relationship. Stuff like, in the real world she is tricked into working for a jerk, eating an egg will send her between dimensions, time passes differently between the two worlds, and she and Arthur had areally rough relationship start. By chapter 16, the author has the hang of the medium and characters and the flow is much better.
A lot of the story revolves around her maturity as a character. Her hair actually becomes a maker for how long she's been in the game world time/ how mature she is. Around chapter 30 she starts to grow her hair out more, 50 it's past her shoulders (around 4 years), and in 75 it's past her waist.
Webcomics like this often take their sweet time developing characters and story. What would often take a normal manga one chapter to do, will likely take a webcomic 5 chapters to explain. This is more due to the fact that authors frequently have a weekly update schedule with only 12 or so pages, and while manga chapters mostly have monthly updates with 20 page chapters. It gets better I promise.
The synopsis makes this sound like a great story and I really want to read it but...I hated the first 5 chapters so much I had to stop reading. The MC is unbearable, her glasses are never actually in front of her eyes, and the flow of the manhua makes it so hard to read! The scene changes are so abrupt that I have to take an extra few seconds every page just to try to understand what's happening. Despite that, I feel like it has to get better at some point during the next 140 chapters, right?
With that said, at what chapter does this story actually improve? Does the flow ever get better or should I just give up entirely?