I’m personally tired of seeing the word “toxic” used to describe every character that is a darker shade of grey than most. TJ and Ian have gone through their share of darkness and held on to each other through questionable motivations that led to manipulation, yes. However the reason why I ship them is because of the depth of their relationship, their natural chemistry and because of the fact that I cannot imagine that either of them would feel as strongly for someone else as they do for each other. I literally started shopping then at the end of season 1, when Ian ditched Jo’s Christmas party, went to see TJ and vowed to find and kill whoever caused his accident. And all that after their biggest fight yet.

I’ve already re-read the story. If you think this is a story where TJ is his villain, you’re the one who should read it again. It personally took me until season 1 ended to understand what their relationship truly was and to decide who I was shipping. Ian and TJ had their first breakthrough in communication mid-way through season 1. Ian also made it clear to TJ that he’s always been aware of his actions and motivations, but allowed it to happen (like when he went to jail and got indebted for protection money as a result) and pretended not to know anything (like when TJ got his boys to restrain Ian which got out of hand, resulting in Ian falling down theirs and braking his leg) because
1. He didn’t want their relationship to change
2. He felt he owed TJ that much since TJ’s life took a different turn simply by Ian walking in it.
They had a big blow out over it, which led to TJ leaving Ian’s apartment. They were then on their way back to each other to talk it out, only Jo spotted that moment and stopped it from happening. They only met and spoke to each other again at the end of season 1, when TJ had his accident. It’s also when TJ had his real breakthrough as a character. When he realized that had he managed to keep Ian with him in the exact way he’d wanted to, he would’ve been with him in the car during the accident. Wondering “what have I been doing this for” was a real turning point for him. With Ian insisting to stand by him so he could kill whoever caused his accident, TJ’s decision to actually walk away from Ian after telling him to take this chance and leave as he’s always wanted, cemented that turning point in his character. Seeing his mental growth in real time has been a treat. And Ian loves him. If Ian’s happiness can ultimately be found in this growing version of TJ, then I’m rooting for it. If it can be found in walking away, then I root for that too, though I question how willing he is to walk away since he’s spent most of season 2 just looking for TJ and going around his old gang affiliations to find clues.
Also, it’s not because people root for TJ that they don’t understand the story. Some prefer TJ for shallow reasons like how handsome he is, but many of us simply understand the story differently than you do and we prefer the complexity and depth of his relationship with Ian over what Ian has with Jo. I also struggle to believe Ian could come to put Jo first before TJ, but I guess that’s why we have one or two seasons left. I’m looking forward to what the author has in store.
Am so annoyed by people commenting as if they don't read the story understanding it at all especially those supporting TJ. I mean can't you guys see dat Ian wants to put his old Life behind and start afresh. TJ is so so toxic for him. Please author don't listen to those who prefer toxic,let him end with Jo rather than TJ or better still go far far away and start a cool life away from drama not ending up with any of them