Bro her husband never interated with her before the swap and she barely saw him after the swap she only has the memories of the stupid shit the other girl did with the duke in her body so it's not personal. The way her FAMILY treated her was though because she was in her body she had to go through that it is peraonal unlike the duke not wanting to have sex with her. I can't understand why you want her to be mad a man for not having sex with her at the same level as someone who abused her all her life.
Also what makes you think she hates woman?

I am genuinely confused at what you’re saying. I don’t get it , so you believe to look away when your supposed wife is being abused is OK as long as you’re not the one doing it , cause that is what you’re implying.
I do not care that he did not have sex with her. I literally do not care, but she seems to always like to shrink or keep quiet anytime he’s talking. Her Body language is always so submissive without even trying. She’s never as firm as with her brothers so I don’t get what you’re saying.
As You noticed in the carriage ride, She was still interested in understanding what he feels for her other self.
Plus, It’s either you are taking the piss or you truly don’t understand when I say why does the author hate women?
Why does she care about how the white Haired Duke feels or does not feel about her ?? Why can't she use the same energy to rebuke him as she uses on her brother? Why does she always blush for a man who allowed public and private humiliation to occur for seven (7) years... like, I am just disgusted.
In a way, I blame the Author cause she is using the request for divorce to keep the FL around her abusers. There is LITERALLY no law that forbids her from running away. The Author is merely using that as a strong plot point on why she's still around which is lazy..
PLUS, I need to ask the Author who are her target audience for this manga and if for females, why does she hate them....