oh yikes

ARTEMIS August 10, 2024 9:42 am

he's better than me because if someone who was my "friend" on the same career path but he rarely put in as much effort as i did but when he did, he achieved all MY dreams, i would block him everywhere for my own peace of mind idc!!!!

    AbstractioShay September 22, 2024 5:26 pm

    I mean, you do you boo but it's a pretty immature take on life. There will always be someone better than you in life unfortunately. There's no use in comparing yourself to others and envying or coveting what someone else has because again, there will always be someone who can do it better than you could imagine. Just focus on your own self, your own craft, and your own achievements.

    Jealousy is an ugly emotion too. Blocking someone because they're more successful than you especially based on a pre-conceived notion that they don't work hard is just wild. But again, if you can't develop your personality and maturity, then blocking my be the best method for your own peace

    ARTEMIS September 24, 2024 1:00 pm
    I mean, you do you boo but it's a pretty immature take on life. There will always be someone better than you in life unfortunately. There's no use in comparing yourself to others and envying or coveting what so... AbstractioShay

    did anyone ever tell you that you're needlessly passive aggressive because if you're trying to educate me on something, why do you sound so derogatory lmao?

    AbstractioShay September 24, 2024 6:16 pm
    did anyone ever tell you that you're needlessly passive aggressive because if you're trying to educate me on something, why do you sound so derogatory lmao? ARTEMIS

    I'm not too sure why you think I'm being passive aggressive??? Do I sound sarcastic by speech for some reason?

    If you're wondering, I'm not being cynical just truthful. And that is the truth. Everyone gets envious and jealous. It's a normal human emotion. And a lot of us probably have done many things to be ashamed of whilst growing up. I know I have. Some people take longer than others to grow out of that mindset...others never do but that just be how it is. Upbringing and environment is different for everyone including beliefs.

    Regardless, it is a fact that it's not a logical response to someone else's success because unfortunately, there are some people who just have an almost innate level of skill. They can pick up something very late in life and be better than many others who have been doing it their whole lives. And that sucks. But if you focus on that, there will be nothing in life that you can do without your mental health being impacted negatively. It's toxic for yourself and for others too.

    Maybe the reason I came across passive aggressive is because I was speaking for the people who are on the other end of that treatment. I have been friends with, and am the daughter of someone who has been on the receiving end of that envy. For a few of the things I excelled at in my field, I found myself intentionally not speaking up in class, volunteering to do certain activities or participating in something I was selected for because I worried my friends in the same field would feel bad and then cut our friendship off. I know many who have felt like they had to walk around eggshells and often would get verbal backlash, eyerolls, or can lead to being bullied etc.

    That's why I said it's an ugly emotion. It's not to condescend you personally but describe it for what it is.