Karen's revealing outfits

TheAverageIdiot August 10, 2024 3:56 am

I like Karen but I don't like the way the author dresses her up so provocatory. Like it isn't really necessary, the first outfit she wore was really good but everything after just seemed to show unecessary skin. She has a very revealing everyday outfit and a fighting outfit which none of the other shadows do. I think the only reason she has two different outfits is because her everyday outfit is too revealing and it wouldn't make sense to have that as her fighting outfit but they didn't even need to have different outfits in the first place if they just made her use her fighting outfit everyday like the other shadows. I'm worried that the author is just going to use her as fan service and she's just going to be demoted to a love interest or just a girl that in love with the MC. She she has a good backstory and she had character development and we get to see her personality which is better than most other comics give to their female characters and I guess I'll be very sad if that just all goes to waste when she's just boiled down to another love interest that's just there for fan service.

    Wren August 16, 2024 11:10 pm

    I feel like with each chapter her boob's are getting bigger, her waist smaller, clothing less warrior-like. It's such a shame because as a character I enjoy her but visually, due to the fan service, it feels off from the rest of the environment and characters.