lilly August 10, 2024 3:37 am

I HATE how intriguing the idea is, but the execution felt way too fast-paced. Imagine if he actually resembled the others (bodywise) or was just a bit taller, instead of being such an obvious fake to us, the readers. And if the reveal hadn't happened so early on, it would have made the plot so much more interesting. But he got caught before the chapters even hit double digits! I'm honestly shocked he managed to keep his secret for so long when he casually talks about being an omega while facing a f-ing WALL!! I had to pause at that moment because it was way too EMBARRASSING. Still, the art style is gorgeous, and I’ll keep reading since I’m a sucker for pretty artwork, even if my blood pressure can’t handle the plot.

Thanks for reading, love you! <3

    Namtiddies August 10, 2024 6:57 pm

    Totally agree. It couldve gone down much more interestingly. A shame but it is what it is