Guys, I've started the novel and I just can't stop thinking about how, weirdly enough, the...

LIM August 10, 2024 3:19 am

Guys, I've started the novel and I just can't stop thinking about how, weirdly enough, the manhwa puts more details than the novel...

Like really more details. There is an actual transition between the bottom slowly disovering his needs to get dominated by the top, and the bottom discovering that the top is into BDSM. All of this happens in a span of 5 to 6 chapters in the manhwa while all of this happens in one chapter in the light novel. And its just arount 3k words, maybe less. Bottom gets the job. 2 days pass. Bottom says he wants to cook for top. Top says he's going somewhere after work on friday. Bottom says he's following him. Enf of chapter. Like what the hell☠. I would love to say that so many things are being skipped on but I literally cant since the novel came before the manhwa + its the manhwa that decided to add more details☠☠

Like guys istg its soo weird. You wouldnt even know its about BDSM if you didn't see the book cover. We never see a single thoughts about being dominated on bottom's side or about dominating on top's side. I did not sign up for this

Sorry for the long paragraph btw just wanted to rant

    Missstar00 August 10, 2024 6:30 am

    Hello can I ask of there is a side couple in the novel?

    Luffytonomi November 16, 2024 1:20 am
    Hello can I ask of there is a side couple in the novel? Missstar00

    Sorry for the late reply~~ I only read the 2 first chapters so sorry idk if theres a side couple