u guys are kinda umm…

levipleasecallmeback August 10, 2024 2:56 am

i also fucking hate the miscommunication arc SO MUCH when it serves so purpose but in this case i thought suha was valid for not bringing it up yet after what went down with jiwoon and his family

he’s still getting to know the siblings and analyzing if it’s worth it to arrange their meeting with jiwoon. remember how traumatizing it was for his parents to leave him, not care about him, and for him to see those very siblings receive unconditional love as if he never existed to his parents?? its a tough position for suha to be in and he can’t be careless or honest until he knows both sides are ready to actually meet or not. how is he supposed to casually bring up he’s hanging out with jiwoons estranged siblings…

    Ailux August 10, 2024 4:39 am

    Just like that. You say you stumbled upon X by accident. One has no right to decide what’s better for the other. If the other rejects the accidental meeting, you abort the mission. “Something came up”

    levipleasecallmeback August 10, 2024 7:11 am
    Just like that. You say you stumbled upon X by accident. One has no right to decide what’s better for the other. If the other rejects the accidental meeting, you abort the mission. “Something came up” Ailux

    its not about deciding what’s right for the other, im making a completely different point. its how he doesn’t know what to do and is stuck? him getting flustered in person was way different than being on the phone- imo he didn’t want to make jiwoon anxious on a couple focused holiday (in korea christmas is more centered on couples > family). suba wasn’t ready to drop a huge bomb when that day should’ve been for them. and i thought it was valid. its easy to say “just like that” until you’re actually the one in this complicated scenario + know its the root of a serious trauma. suha wants the full picture and then was obviously going to discuss it with the right timing (not on christmas)

    what the siblings should’ve done is try to talk to jiwoon THEMSELVES, not make suha a part of this. also, im not saying suha shouldn’t tell jiwoon im saying he’s making a decision when to…

    Ailux August 10, 2024 11:25 pm
    its not about deciding what’s right for the other, im making a completely different point. its how he doesn’t know what to do and is stuck? him getting flustered in person was way different than being on th... levipleasecallmeback

    Not telling him that day is definitely the preferred option, I agree, but if and only if he doesn’t have to lie. Lying is not a good option ever with your partner. Unfortunately, he picked up that call. He lied to him on Christmas. He could have been more vague and propose to give him details later, example “I went out for X and found an acquaintance by chance. I’ll tell you more later because we’ll grab some coffee. See you at home.”

    levipleasecallmeback August 12, 2024 8:16 am
    Not telling him that day is definitely the preferred option, I agree, but if and only if he doesn’t have to lie. Lying is not a good option ever with your partner. Unfortunately, he picked up that call. He li... Ailux

    well yea that would be the ideal. but this showcases mistakes still happen, and excluding their previous problems, it’s pretty accurate to real scenarios. the issue very much feels… human. if it was solved in a perfect way there wouldn’t be this plot or even story to begin with lmao. but we can clearly see the author is trying to target jiwoons unhealed family trauma + suhas inability to ask for help and taking on his loved ones burdens