I think that some have MISINTERPRETED the relationships.....

Foxdemona August 10, 2024 1:08 am

I think that some have MISINTERPRETED the relationships between Master, Minhwin, and their son.

1) Originally, Master was the one who tricked Minhwin into getting pregnant. It WAS ONLY when he discovered that the Child would kill and eat Minhwin at birth that he tried to abort it.

2) Minhwin nearly died to protect the unborn kill, even after hearing that the baby would have the desire to kill and eat him.

3) Therefore, you have to realize that it took time to train the baby not to try and eat Minhwin, when he recovered after giving birth.

4) Master has always stated that he was "jealous" and did not like that Minhwin spent so much time with the kid. That is why, he would throw the ball (as if he was a pet dog) so that he could have some alone time with Minhwin. Minhwin even told Master to stop doing that.

5) Throughout the side story, you always seeing Minhwin holding or carrying Tae-Heo lovingly, and a few times, he reminded him that the Master would not like it. Plus, he named his son after his beloved older dead brother.

6. Tae-Heo is loved by everyone in the Demon cult, especially by his uncles who watched over him after his birth, when Minhwin was near death.

7. Master only told Tae-Heo not to bother Minhwin while he was training for the competition because he wanted Minhwin to focus, because Master knew Minhwin's father would be there, and he wanted him to realize what he lost and threw away in Minhwin.

8) Again, while he call both parents Master, he loves them, and he know that they love him. Both parents always shows concern for him in their own ways. One of the funny moments was when Master confronted Minhwin on why he put Tae-Heo in the competition when he was usually so protective of him, and Minhwin did it so that Tae-Heo would learn the lesson that other children could be just as strong or stronger than him.

This, this is a loving family!

    WhatFor August 10, 2024 1:49 am

    I guess that all of the bad reviews have fallen off the first page. I think this is a loving family, but to Master, Minhwan is #1, and vice versa. They love their son, but since they are in a warrior sect, they also have to teach him to be strong and stand up for himself. The fact that Tae Heo knows how to comfort Minhwan shows that he is being raised with love, or he would not be able to feel empathy. I like when Master sits his son on his lap, and when Minhwan carries him. It is so cute.

    Foxdemona August 10, 2024 5:22 am
    I guess that all of the bad reviews have fallen off the first page. I think this is a loving family, but to Master, Minhwan is #1, and vice versa. They love their son, but since they are in a warrior sect, t... WhatFor

    I agree with you!

    Foxdemona August 10, 2024 5:34 am
    I guess that all of the bad reviews have fallen off the first page. I think this is a loving family, but to Master, Minhwan is #1, and vice versa. They love their son, but since they are in a warrior sect, t... WhatFor

    Also, when Tae-Heo is being carried or sitting in their laps, it all looks comfortable and natural. There's NOTHING unnatural about the body language. If he was not loved, he would be too scared to even look at them.

    siana August 10, 2024 1:40 pm

    This is so great.ヾ(☆▽☆) Thanks for taking the time to write it out. I've seen so many hate comments that made me wonder if we're reading the same story ヽ(`Д´)ノ. Like seriously some people need to chill read and think with the little brain cells they have left.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Resyret August 11, 2024 5:41 am

    Didn't the story say that the child would be born with the consciousness and comprehension of an adult, but without knowledge of the world? That's why they treat him the way they do. He is not a child mentally, only physically and maybe emotionally. People either don't read it through or take too much time between readings and forget what was told in the story.

    mariya August 11, 2024 2:23 pm

    Thank you so much for saying all this! I feel like so many people misinterpret this story big time. You can obviously see how much Tae-Heo loves both Minhwan and Dan-ryeong. I love their interactions together as a family. I don't even like interacting in the comment section for this series because it's always so negative and this story isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It's like we're not even reading the same story because some people don't have a reading comprehension.