seo has 0 right to be jealous..he has sex with other people for work and how dare does he ...

nickhyun August 10, 2024 12:55 am

seo has 0 right to be jealous..he has sex with other people for work and how dare does he become jealous with natori meets up with othe people? i guess i am not as mature as the natori and the other commenters who are saying how great the story for showing sex workers can have relationships without quitting their job but its such an impossible concept to me. like what do u mean u r gonna have sex with others everyday while we are in a monogamous relationship. if seo really loves natori, couldnt he just get another job. he is definitely not poor. he could live on savings and get another job. how could he subject his lover to such humiliation
and its not just having sex with other people its also the entire public being able to watch your own lover have sex with others. like ugh. idk i just dont feel like seo really cares for natori. he didnt show anything except lust. his character of being a manwhore also didnt impress me. his entire personality is just sex. he is just a boring manwhore character
i am not reading this manga anymore also. it just frustrates me.
