Jinjoo deserves better and omg why is everyone r*ping her??

Nano August 9, 2024 6:46 pm

Like, at this point, i don’t care about how all these people have trauma and complicated attachment types

Jinjoo is the victim for me rn

She’s being pressured in both relationships, stuck with a husband she doesn’t like and who destroyed her fucking life but she’s scared of leaving which is very common, especially when we just learned that he’s her 1st/only partner and that he snatched her right out of high school ?!?? Fucking awful and predatory

And then, has this very weird unclear relationship with this young student that doesn’t communicate, makes all these assumptions, has intense feelings but hides them and is violent and rapes her if she’s angry ?? Like? They’re both awful to her and force themselves on her. Jinjoo is not a bad person here.

It frustrates me that both characters are painted as these silly, smiling, sweet, kinda naive people who just make mistakes or fuck up but still well meaning somewhat harmless people
Idk I feel like I’ve read lots of comments making excuses for them, especially for Doyeon
She might be a woman and younger but that doesn’t mean she can’t cause harm and at this point she’s just being meaner and meaner every chapter
What’s excusable about rape ? And then Jinjoo is treated like a bad guy because she’s struggling and not “choosing” or “getting a divorce already”
Yes, it is frustrating that she’s not making a decision and being direct but she’s not actively being violent like them and she’s trying her best+ we actually see her make changes and lots of effort
The husband and Doyeon are just worse and worse and I wish it was understood and said clearly.
Obviously idk what the author wants to convey but I would hope that the readers could see that being indecisive and traumatised isn’t the same as being mean and abusive.
Jinjoo doesn’t deserve all this vitriol and hate.
Even the cheating, her husband ABANDONED her and for all she knows he just left her with all these debts or to fuckin die killed by those loan sharks
She has every right to live and have relationships in that situation. Even after he came back, it’s like wtf dude ?? You can’t expect things to be the same after that and not speak with Jinjoo before deciding anything else about how you’re gonna live, together or not etc

I don’t care that at 1st Doyeon was a sweet inexperienced but well meaning and caring lover or that people think she’s hot when she’s mad.
Rape is never okay and her words are also very mean and abusive now.
Trying to control someone and scaring them like that ? yeah you’re right girl, you don’t know what love is, you have no respect for your partner ?!!

Anygay, it’s fine to have messy relationships and not perfectly communicating.
It’s also ok and inevitable to hurt each other. We will hurt each other because we’re alive and feel things!
But there’s a difference between hurting each other accidentally and trying your best in a shitty situation and just being human
AND acting out on your impulsive intense emotions and wanting to hurt and get back at someone for not doing what you want from them (insulting them, talking down to them, ignoring them and their feelings, physically hurting them, sexually assaulting them etc.) or straight up deciding not to care about the other person at all

    Dibz August 10, 2024 6:03 am

    I agree with this honestly feel bad for jinjo