As of ch.14 I do t think Sejin is in the wrong

Witchery August 9, 2024 5:18 pm

I don’t know if this is a hot take, but I really don’t think Sejin is in the wrong here (I’m on chapter 14). His sexual tastes run a bit rougher, but with his first boyfriend it sounds like he communicated what he wanted to do, got consent in advance, and set up a safe word in advance in case he wanted to stop, which was never used.
With Jiwoo he has made some over the top requests, but he asked plainly and Jiwoo always agreed. He’s also made efforts to avoid pushing him too far before he was ready in some cases. He made it known that he had unusual tastes before agreeing to date Jiwoo, who was fine with it.
Sure, Sejin isn’t necessarily boyfriend of the year, but it’s not like he lied to, manipulated, or pressured either one of them into anything. It sounds like both of them were in the relationship for primarily superficial/shallow reasons (Sejin being hot/kind on the surface), which doesn’t mean they deserve to be mistreated, but seems like they never really clicked or understood each other on a deeper level.
The first boyfriend didn’t communicate their limits properly and ended up agreeing to something they either really didn’t want to do or weren’t prepared for, but it sounds like Sejin made efforts to explain, get consent, and make sure it was safe as possible, it’s just that he couldn’t handle it, which is not his fault, but there should have been more communication between them.
Sejin is being more cautious with Jiwoo now because he learned that even with prior discussions, verbal consent, and a safe word, things can still end poorly.
And I don’t agree that he should necessarily just know to go slower. How is he supposed to know Jiwon’s pace if he doesn’t tell him? If Jiwoo has reservations he needs to speak up and set boundaries. Sure, some people may take advantage of a partner like that, but it’s just as likely that Jiwoo is excited because he’s found someone with very compatible preferences.
I might get proved wrong soon, but these observations are based off of what I’ve seen so far

    Witchery August 9, 2024 9:34 pm


    Just trolling <3 August 10, 2024 1:30 am

    regardless the ML has been asked to stop on multiple occasions and has lacked on the stopping part. Regardless of him giving a heads up he never gave a real one. The sexual actions have beeb coercion example " im your boyfriend" or "do you not trust me enough" multiple chapters of him forcing himself on the MC. MC is known to be timid but he has said stop multiple times that fell on locked ears. it just rape atp especially latest chapter!

    Witchery August 10, 2024 1:48 am

    Well that’s depressing. I do see your point. That’s probably why a lot of timid, less assertive or sure of themself bottoms are paired up with domineering, selfish tops in comics. It helps create ambiguity between a general willingness to explore and caving to emotional pressure

    Sofia1017 August 11, 2024 11:47 pm

    Uke is just stupid... sorry for being harsh but I even had friends like him and it seems they literally enjoys suffering and not able to express discontent... so at this point I want him to learn from pain.