He isnt JUST hung up though... he STILL loves his ex... they're doing this stupid charade with the mc and the supposed ml(which is him) to make his ex jealous and pay more attention to him.. and he is soo egotistical just because his ex is a celebrity i just want to dig my fist into his face.. thank THE SKIES. The mc doesnt just accept it i love her and i hope a second ml comes into picture because i hatee his egotistical ass.. im sorry this is soo long but omfg the ml just GENUINELY frustrates me i fucking hate him

Y’all doing way too much now this only started also you can clearly tell that the author is going in the direction of the ex guilt trapping the ML to stay with her and obviously if the ML liked the MC and still went back to his ex that would be one thing but he doesn’t even like her yet y’all need to be calm and let this marinate

I dont think you're comphrending the story well bc He has been quite egotistical a lot because his "ex" is a celebrity and espescially the bar scene when he didnt wanna act because he is an egotistical whore who thinks he is the only one that matters.. where its only ok when she acts for him for the pictures but when she wants him to act aswell hes being a whore abt it.. and he initiated the break up!! If u actually read its not even a real break up its more off a tantrum when they still both love eachother!! Even when he was drunk he was thinking about her.. look im open minded if u like the guy then go ahead i dont care its just my personal perspective... he is an asshole and he has a big ego i know they will get tg in the future but im just stating my perspective on the present time

This will be my last reply but the part where im talking about "the ml being egotistical just because his ex is a celebrity" is chapter 9 where they are at the bar where mc states she expects him to synchronise with her when it comes to acting. Ml states that what she just said is different from what they agreed on (which btw is just a small request shes not even asking to marry him its not even a big deal) Mc states that it isnt an excuse to be a party pooper (love her for putting him in his place i barely see any mcs do this) or else she'll do it herself if he doesnt comply. Ml then goes to state
"Is it possible for other people to see it that way? *in a cunning annoying expression*"
Like?? His ego is soo big just because his past lover is a fucking star like bro shut the fuck up your whole identity is defined by the person u once loved lower ur damn ego

Its soo hard talking to you i literally know he is being guilttripped the point is it isnt an excuse to be rude and not cooperate espescially when u agreed on mutual terms... he has been egotistical quite a lot besides chapter 9th.. its like you tolerate men who make u feel like shit and step on you just because their going through shit love that energy for u but its not for me

Nah girl, this person completely misunderstood his character and wants a ML who will instantly die for the FL the moment he sets eyes on her, I say don't pay attention to the comments and read it urself and if u have 2 functioning braincells you will see the complexity and nuance of the story.
These ppl are used to the basic cookie cutter shit manhwae with MLs who's only personality is obsessing over trash FLs for no reason out of nowhere and 1 side dish of the same childhood trauma

Completely assumed the whole reason why were arguing and overlooked the point what you just said is a whole bunch of nonsense.. its like were not even allowed to hate the ml!! U can be a complex man without being egotistical and rude!! And fyi ive probobly read romance manwhas way longer than u have and i have my fair share of complexity.. but i mean as i said if you like men who make u feel like shit and step on you then u do you is it soo hard to understand that a person like me doesnt like an ml who clearly deslikes the mc? You guys are literally dickriding the ml

Is living the moment literally impossible ive said multiple times that im speaking from a present perspective (which is whats going on right now on the manwha) its like im being crucified for hating the ml which is justifiable because of his actions are weird!! His egotistical and rude like girl you're right he is a fictional character he wont fuck u all this dickriding for the ml is unneccesary

I’m convinced that you have no reading comprehension at all it’s like I’ve been arguing with a wall.im not dickriding the ML I am just using this thing called a brain to think and realize that this thing called character development.if you maybe have you know read my conversations you would understand that all I have been saying was to let the DAMN STORY MARINATE it barley has chapters.Now before you start sounding like a broken record about “Ml is egotistical” read this slowly and let it comprehend.