
Beanie August 9, 2024 8:49 am

If you guys are just gonna keep yapping on abt hating Sanho, hating Tak, hating literally every single character in this series, just drop it and read smth else bruh, nobody's making you read this smh

    CosmicChameleon August 9, 2024 11:33 am

    All these ppl like “his screaming is giving me a head ache!! :(“ like bro it is bolded text, how do you survive on planet earth.

    Geek Goddess August 9, 2024 12:48 pm
    All these ppl like “his screaming is giving me a head ache!! :(“ like bro it is bolded text, how do you survive on planet earth. CosmicChameleon

    So, I see my comment is really long so, here's a TL/DR ;-)).....I always add "voices" to the characters and feel their emotions. So, for instance, reading Sanho can be a little much bc, as we can all see, he screams a lot and thats what Im hearing in my head. Just speaking for myself, he can be a little exhausting bc all these conflicting emotions he's feeling, I'm feeling too. BUT, even so, I'm not bringing these emotions into my personal life or anything so, I'm surviving just fine on planet earth hehe ;, and that's even with all the craziness that's happening literally everywhere. Like, there HAS to be something in the water...

    Hey there. *waves* I can't speak for anyone else, but I survive planet earth just fine. Even with the chronic illnesses and mental illness that I have. It's just that in my head, I give characters their own "voice", if that makes sense. I picture how they would sound and use that "voice" for them during the whole story. Also, I feel their emotions. Im apart of a reddit group for hetero Historical Isekai/Reincarnation/Regression/etc. Romance Novels/Manhwa/Manga/etc. and found out that a lot of people "feel" emotions too, so I don't feel alone. Hehe :-DD

    Anyway! Getting back to the topic, and again, speaking just for myself, depending on the SL, it can leave me feeling angry, sad, happy, sassy, and even exhausted (and sometimes, Id "feel" more from the character who is carrying the scene or chapter). And if the character is being disrespected of mistreated (which happens a lot in hetero historical isekai romance where the evil step mom is a royal bitch to the FL), I'm screaming at my phone like, "Oh hell naw! Who you talking too?!" Or "[Insert FL Name], if you don't kick this bitch in her throat...!" LOL. I get all into it!

    In this story, just like Inseo, Yi-Hyeok, and Tak (even the side charries), Sanho has his own "voice" and as we can all see/read, he screams A LOT. Lol! A lot of his dialogue is bold and his punctuations are 2 or 3 exclamation points. We all know this. We all can see this. So, for me, he leaves me exhausted and sometimes my heart is pumping afterwards.

    So yeah....Sanho can be a little...much. Sometimes, TOO MUCH. And it can be a little exhausting and even annoying "voicing" him. I see his energy on par with someone like Zenitsu from Demon Slayer. Love him to death, but he's always on 10 a lot and I need him to bring it down to at least a 5. LOL! But even though I read like this and it leaves me "feeling" what the characters are feeling, it doesn't affect my personal life. If I'm feeling anger from a character, I don't go around mad and ready to fight somebody. Lol :-DD

    Geek Goddess August 9, 2024 1:06 pm
    All these ppl like “his screaming is giving me a head ache!! :(“ like bro it is bolded text, how do you survive on planet earth. CosmicChameleon

    Btw, I want to say that my reply was not me coming at you in a mean way! I'm not mad or anything and hope I'm not coming off that way. I'm just strictly explaining my take on things. Please don't take offense to it. :-))

    caropearo61 August 9, 2024 5:33 pm
    Btw, I want to say that my reply was not me coming at you in a mean way! I'm not mad or anything and hope I'm not coming off that way. I'm just strictly explaining my take on things. Please don't take offense t... Geek Goddess

    I completely respect and understand what you’re saying. I had somethings I disagree with u on. But all that FLEW out the window when u mentioned zenitsu. I get so overwhelmed when it comes to his screaming sometimes. Same with black clover! I tried sooooo hard bc I knew it was really gud but sadly I couldn’t do it. And that’s the only reason is the screaming otherwise everything else seemed awesome!

    So I take back any AND ALL arguments bc I can only imagine being stuck in your own imagination with someone constantly screaming at you. Especially when binge reading. And it’s not like you can change it bc that’s what your brains decided.

    P.S. Idk if anything came off mean but I hope not. Honestly u helped me understand others. And again I completely agree with you.

    P.P.S I’m sorry for the typos. I type bad