i came back rereading this because of the olympic cuz there's this athlete who had to cut ...

candy August 9, 2024 4:28 am

i came back rereading this because of the olympic cuz there's this athlete who had to cut down their weights and got disqualified bcs they weight more than the standard.

and somehow it reminded me of jaekyung doing all the cutting before the match... idk anything about sport but i appreciate the author for doing research about it.

    Mind Fork August 9, 2024 4:26 pm

    Yes I thought about Jinx as well when I read about the news this morning!! I was so sad for her, especially since 100g really is nothing (and as shown in this story, the athletes spend the next hours eating and drinking to gain back as much as safely possible before the match)

    I don't know if you've seen one of the author's notes but she actually tried MMA herself (I don't know if it was for research or if trying it gave her the idea of this story though) and she injured herself right now that was both funny and sad

    candy August 10, 2024 4:19 am

    yeah, i feel so bad for the athlete who got disqualified :"( huge respect for all athletes out there who has to went through so much for the competition

    also yeah i read the notes. it's great that the author tried MMA as well hahaha. can't wait for s2 to see more of em