I like this

Poison Princess August 9, 2024 2:14 am

It's so raw. The way this affects everyone around them. It's not easy. This is why sex-ed needs to be thorougly taught at school starting at age 14. Even before actually, but the consequences about sex from about that. These children now need to figure out everything on their own since their parents put their own ego & reputation above their child's well being. You need to slowly talk and figure these things out with your parents.

I was reading comments and I'm kind of disappointed by lot of people. If one of your friend got pregnant at 16-17 would you tell them they are an idiot for keeping it and stop being their friend? Because they had sex and you think it's wrong? I know teenagers are stupid but I know for a fact I would have never done it. But I do live in a country where we get pretty good sex education that is comprehensive, starting at age 11.

Anyways. It's middle of the night. I just wanted to let my thoughts out. These children need some support and it's incredibly sad how this seems to be common in many cultures. You see it lot in manga. Having a child when young and being unmarried is seen in same level. Both are something that ruins your reputation, possibly makes your family abandon you. Because you made a choise they didn't accept. Leading to poverty and in the end more bad choises.
