Chapter 66

Greenposamari August 8, 2024 9:46 pm

The first half of the chapter is super chill Lee Nok is with Geumdong and reminiscing on all the cute times they’ve had together and gets embarrassed thinking about how it was Jae-shin the whole time. We find out that Jaeshin can now pick and choose when to transform because he went into his human form during the day, Lee Nok is thinking out loud and wonders why he hasn’t heard from Kyungjoon Jaeshin gets visibly jealous makes a face and turns from Lee Nok and Lee Nok has a slow moment grabs his face with both hands and asks him if it’s because he’s still in pain from the wound and Jaeshin lies and says yes and steals a kiss from Lee Nok and tells him not to worry about anyone else and just think of him then Lee Nok returns his kiss screen cuts and it’s a flashback to the night of Noks attempted assassination and……yall KYUNGJOON KNOWS HE SAW LEE NOK CONFESS TO JAESHIN HE SAW THEM KISSING so ofc that explains why Nok hasn’t heard from him but Kyungjoon is PISSED screen cuts back to current times and kyungjoon is thinking to himself while banging on a door and said he knew something was off but didn’t know Nok would do something so “disgusting”. Maybe someone else that read the raws can clarify this for me, but I’m not too clear on whose door he was knocking on. I want to say he was at Lee Noks evil step mothers quarters but I may be wrong, but chapter ends with what I think was a male servant opening the doors and Kyungjoon asking to speak to “jungjeonma”. THE ANGST IS HERE YALL WE ABOUT TO CRYYYYY

    Quishi August 8, 2024 10:09 pm

    Yeah you were right, seems like it was the queens door. That son of a biiiiiii

    OrangeLemonade August 9, 2024 11:17 am

    that homophobic traitor

    Josh August 9, 2024 1:37 pm

    It's definitely the queen's lair. I mean her quarter outside the palace when she's hidden after the whole maehyung's gate.

    At first I was sure Jaeshin's still under his previous punishment and turns into a dog by day. Even Jingwang thought Jaeshin "had no choice but to ask to leave things the same" - as just leave the curse for now bc they cannot decide what heavier punishment he's deserved this time or if they could punish him at all (bc he didn't change the book nor harm a human) However it really looks like it's the afternoon and he turns into himself. So has he afterall regained all his powers? And if he's in his true form he couldn't transform into Geumdong? He had to ask for this ability?

    If I may I'd like to highlight smth - bc it rails me up.
    When that bitch Kyeongjun finds out about the ambush, all he's worried about is if something happens to Nok, then it's all over for HIM(Kyeongjun). In this panic he runs by himself to check if Nok's alive or not. Also at once he suspects queen's brother was the one who could've send the assassins.
    After seeing and hearing the confession he's going straight to the queen, set to "get rid of this filth". (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Deedee August 9, 2024 11:05 pm

    Thank you so much

    BobbMoon August 13, 2024 12:18 am
    It's definitely the queen's lair. I mean her quarter outside the palace when she's hidden after the whole maehyung's gate.At first I was sure Jaeshin's still under his previous punishment and turns into a dog b... Josh

    Yeah, it seems that Kyungjoon only cares about his position as being the crown prince’s closest friend. He even tried to hook his own sister up with Nok so that he could have an even closer relationship/position of being in-laws with him. But he failed to hear Nok when he said that his sister will only be in danger if she married him. So kyungjoon is really a greedy and selfish person! Too bad that Nok really cherishes him and trusts him!

    Deedee August 13, 2024 6:15 pm
    Yeah, it seems that Kyungjoon only cares about his position as being the crown prince’s closest friend. He even tried to hook his own sister up with Nok so that he could have an even closer relationship/posit... BobbMoon

    I mean, it's a good plot twist cause it will make hating him easier. As for Nok, once he realized the true nature of his dear friend, he will cling even more to Jaeshin, the only one who truly cared about him all this time

    Josh August 16, 2024 9:17 pm
    Yeah, it seems that Kyungjoon only cares about his position as being the crown prince’s closest friend. He even tried to hook his own sister up with Nok so that he could have an even closer relationship/posit... BobbMoon

    I mean I knew Kyeongjun thinks about his position and he was just chosen as a prince's companion, but I thought that maybe in a life threat situation he will consider Nok's safety, like for a second at least. Due to all the time they've spend together... But he's just a filthy bitch.
    When they were speaking after Eulsaeng's death (ch 55) I've noticed for sure that he's always serious and sticks to the etiquette in a very strick manner. Nok says "maybe could you find out who visited the queen then?" and Kyeongjun's with a small bow answers like "yes, sir. i'll find out". Even Nok was slightly taken aback by it. At that time we could see how carefully he picked the moment when to propose his sister to him: when Nok was soft expressing his gratitude.