Mangago shut the comment section down

Yumiswife August 8, 2024 3:20 pm

I have seen some of the worst takes ever under this page it's giving me war flashbacks to love is an illusion comment section. You guys have the braincells of ants I'm sick of seeing comments like "SePeRaTe FiCtIoN fRoM rEaLiTy" like as if you mf arent going to look like absolute psychos admitting you enjoy reading a manwha about a man raping another man OVER and OVER again.
Was it very arousing when Doc Dan had flashbacks to when he was raped before and when he said he was going to throw up.

    Mx.woo August 9, 2024 11:26 am

    The fact that people disagreed with this comment is so insane because you said nothing wrong??

    Secure Haven August 9, 2024 1:41 pm

    Silence cyber troll. The only one who is a rapist here is DAN.

    Yumiswife August 9, 2024 6:15 pm
    Silence cyber troll. The only one who is a rapist here is DAN. Secure Haven

    Lmao I'm flattered

    Yumiswife August 9, 2024 6:15 pm
    The fact that people disagreed with this comment is so insane because you said nothing wrong?? Mx.woo

    Thanks bestie

    Shiki August 9, 2024 8:32 pm

    Pls use your brain. Yeah, all séx scenes in this manhua are freaaakng HOT none can disagree unless you're blind. Watching horror movies does it mean you like murder/demons or whatever ? If readers were psychos what about authors, they must be interned, oh guess what :D they're not, I wonder why... Ppl like it coz it's a fiction. YES separate fiction from reality.

    Yumiswife August 10, 2024 11:44 am
    Pls use your brain. Yeah, all séx scenes in this manhua are freaaakng HOT none can disagree unless you're blind. Watching horror movies does it mean you like murder/demons or whatever ? If readers were psycho... Shiki

    I think you should use yours. Murder in horror movies are almost always depicted as something "bad or shocking". Rape in yaoi manga is very often depicted as something to be brushed over or just another form of getting to the romance.
    Both are horrific events but the difference is in how they are depicted.

    Mx.woo August 13, 2024 8:31 am
    Pls use your brain. Yeah, all séx scenes in this manhua are freaaakng HOT none can disagree unless you're blind. Watching horror movies does it mean you like murder/demons or whatever ? If readers were psycho... Shiki

    I can tell you’re about 13 years old and you’re a girl Who is obsessed with BL because she doesn’t get attention OR love in real life. Rape is not hot and without rape in the real world ,There would be no rape in BL .If you ever get raped I hope you don’t keep the same mentality<3

    Mx.woo August 13, 2024 8:32 am
    Thanks bestie Yumiswife

    Np love

    Shiki August 13, 2024 4:30 pm
    I can tell you’re about 13 years old and you’re a girl Who is obsessed with BL because she doesn’t get attention OR love in real life. Rape is not hot and without rape in the real world ,There would be n... Mx.woo

    Wtf so much going on.
    First of all, wish me not to get rápe'd u b!tch before continuing u're nonsense speech. U weirdo.
    Second, I'm 30 yo and Im getting enough love ty, pls stop claiming stuff u don't know about, I suggest you reassure yourself differently.
    3rd, who tf said Ràpe was hot? Hello???? I get why you didn't understand my comment nor this manhua tho.
    Finally, nothing to say to some1 who's telling to ppl to get Ràped to understand what it is. Cordialy fu.

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 4:46 pm
    I can tell you’re about 13 years old and you’re a girl Who is obsessed with BL because she doesn’t get attention OR love in real life. Rape is not hot and without rape in the real world ,There would be n... Mx.woo

    I want to address some points here for your comment.

    Personal Attacks: Commenting on someone's age or gender, or making personal assumptions, is not constructive and doesn’t contribute to a meaningful discussion. Let’s focus on the ideas rather than personal details.

    Obsessions and Attention: Suggesting that someone's interests in BL (Boys' Love) are due to a lack of attention or love in real life is a strawman argument. Interests and fantasies are personal and can be complex; making assumptions about them doesn’t help the discussion.

    Rape and BL: While it's true that some people explore sensitive themes like rape in fantasies or fiction, this doesn’t equate to endorsing real-world rape or making light of it. It's important to separate fantasy from reality and recognize that people can have different interests and fantasies without it reflecting their real-world values or experiences.

    Future Attitudes: Wishing harm on someone or implying that their attitudes would change if they experienced trauma is both unhelpful and harmful. It’s essential to approach discussions with empathy and respect for differing perspectives.

    I believe that productive conversations come from addressing the issues respectfully and constructively. If you have concerns or disagreements, let's discuss them in a way that is considerate and focused on understanding each other's viewpoints.

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 5:00 pm
    I think you should use yours. Murder in horror movies are almost always depicted as something "bad or shocking". Rape in yaoi manga is very often depicted as something to be brushed over or just another form of... Yumiswife

    Thank you for your insights. You highlighted an important distinction between how sensitive themes like rape and murder are depicted in media and how individuals might perceive and react to them.

    Depiction vs. Perception: It’s true that in horror movies, murder is often depicted as shocking and horrific, which is intended to elicit a strong emotional reaction. In contrast, some yaoi manga might portray rape in a way that’s more integrated into the romance narrative, which can affect how it is perceived by the audience. However, the impact of these depictions can vary widely among viewers.

    Personal Interpretation: How a person views these depictions is crucial. While some may enjoy the dramatic elements of murder in horror as part of the genre's appeal, others might be deeply affected by it. Similarly, the way rape is portrayed in yaoi manga can be interpreted differently depending on individual experiences and sensitivities. The enjoyment or discomfort a person feels is influenced by their personal perspective and context.

    Understanding Impact: Recognizing the difference between the depiction of sensitive themes and personal reactions is important. Media can shape our perceptions, but it’s also valuable to consider how people’s personal experiences and beliefs influence their interpretations of these themes.

    Rape in stories: I don't know why are talking about rape on this page because Jinx does not have rape in it but has sexual coercion and other sexual abuse but that does not change any abuse Dan has faced. Have you ever wondered why Rape and SA stories are like that? Read the links in this post.
    This could provide a reason. Rape fantasies is not the same as rape in real-life. While exploring these themes in fiction can sometimes be problematic, it’s essential to distinguish between the depiction of such themes in media and the endorsement or trivialization of real-world issues. Discussing and analyzing these portrayals can help us understand their impact and the narratives they reinforce.

    Ultimately, it’s crucial to approach discussions about sensitive topics with empathy, acknowledging that people’s reactions and interpretations are diverse and complex. I appreciate your perspective on this and hope we can continue to explore these issues thoughtfully.

    Yumiswife August 13, 2024 6:43 pm
    Thank you for your insights. You highlighted an important distinction between how sensitive themes like rape and murder are depicted in media and how individuals might perceive and react to them.Depiction vs. P... Truth and Trust

    Bruh writing essays on illegal websites about rape mangas.

    Firstly, YES this has rape in it. I looked at your link in which you try to say its not and it seems rather ironic because Dan saying "stop " and "i cant" and Jaekyung continuing is literally the definition of rape. If you do not consent or cannot consent to sex that IS rape.

    Secondly, If you get off looking at pictures of other people getting raped REAL or FICTIONAL then idk bro I think you might have a problem. If we said the same thing about murder like i have "murder fantasies" and enjoy looking at drawings of people being murdered then we would be calling the police.

    Lastly, I find it very difficult to even emphasise with the otherside considering no one seems to acknowledge the author could have written the exact same story without the rape/abuse altogether. It's lazy and insulting writing.

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 7:39 pm
    Bruh writing essays on illegal websites about rape mangas.Firstly, YES this has rape in it. I looked at your link in which you try to say its not and it seems rather ironic because Dan saying "stop " and "i can... Yumiswife

    Your reply:
    "Bruh writing essays on illegal websites about rape mangas."
    ------This is inaccurate and unwarranted. . It’s important to address the actual content and context of our discussion rather than making generalizations.

    You said "I looked at your link in which you try to say its not"

    ------------That link I posted is about something else. You used a strawman argument.

    "If you get off looking at pictures of other people getting raped REAL or FICTIONAL then idk bro I think you might have a problem. "
    ----------You said you looked at the link but that shows you didn't

    "i have "murder fantasies" and enjoy looking at drawings of people being murdered then we would be calling the police."

    ----------Many people do and what crime is committed? The police would just laugh as many murder fantasies are popular. People enjoy with when characters are killed off. Many would love for Jaekyung to be killed off. Many would love to be the one to do so. But what are the police going to do when they want a character to die so much they would make it so? Nothing.

    That is the difference being fiction and reality.

    You suggested that if someone gets aroused by fictional depictions of rape, they might have a problem. ( showing you did not look at the link I posted) However, it's important to note that enjoying fictional scenarios, including those involving violence or crime, is not necessarily indicative of real-world behavior. Just as many people enjoy fictional depictions of murder in literature and media without it affecting their real-life actions, the same applies here. You should not assume about the person talking to you and making strawman arguments that is just base of your opinion instead of facts. You are trying to make others wrong by liking these types of stories and that is wrong of you.

    Why I focused on your replies.
    So could I take those moments and say you have no valid points and lack reading skills?
    I am asking you because what you did with Jinx. Is it fair of me to take isolated things and make a judgement without considering the whole conversation? Labeling the scene from the manga as rape based solely on isolated quotes like "stop" and "no" without considering the entire narrative context is problematic. It’s essential to understand the broader context of the story and its characters’ interactions. Misinterpreting these elements can lead to unfair judgments.

    I know you have reading skills but you wanted to dismiss me and force your opinions on me by taking the story out of content. When someone knows Jinx has no rape. it looks like you are saying Dan has green skin. When someone points it out you rather make others wrong and force your opinion on them without even listening. Is it fair of me to say that on a few quotes from you? No? Why are you doing that on a story?

    No. Jinx is non-con but it is not rape. What happens after the "Stop"? What is the whole scene? What is the whole story? It’s crucial to analyze the entire narrative and the characters' interactions to understand the broader context. The story in question features complex elements that don’t equate to real-life rape when analyzed fully. And when someone says it is rape normally has not read much to understand or is a hater that is overexaggerating it on purpose.

    The context doesn’t equate to rape. The characters’ interactions are part of a broader narrative that should be understood within its full context. It’s important to distinguish between actual consent issues and what’s depicted as part of the story’s plot.

    It seems you might be overlooking perspectives from sex experts or broader analyses that could provide a more nuanced understanding of the content. Dismissing these insights because they conflict with your opinion can lead to misinterpretations. By changing what that link meant that reflects poorly on you.

    You are getting a reply like this because of how you acted. Now image if you talked to me instead of what you did.

    To have a meaningful conversation about sensitive topics, we need to base our arguments on accurate interpretations and avoid conflating fiction with real-life issues. Your approach seems to lack depth and analysis, which hinders productive discussion.

    Authors often use various elements in their stories to explore different themes and character dynamics. The story in question might include complex or challenging situations, but this doesn’t automatically equate to endorsing or trivializing real-life issues like rape. Misrepresenting these elements can lead to misconceptions and unfair judgments. Jinx isn't as lazy or insulting writing as you think since it popular to amount to this much hate on it.

    If we’re discussing sensitive topics like this, it’s important to base our arguments on accurate interpretations and avoid conflating fictional scenarios with real-world issues. Engaging in this way will lead to more meaningful and respectful discussions.

    How you approached this is lazy and insulting yourself.
    I did come to you seeking constructive dialogue. I am serious and I was being respectful. Your approach lacked both and impacts the quality of the discussion.

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 7:59 pm

    Also "Secure Haven August 9, 2024 1:41 pm" []

    This person is a cyberstalker. They stole my friend's Identity [Secure Haven] but soon after they would steal my identity when I was [Steadfast and True].

    We’re dealing with several individuals who are impersonating us. Currently, I think there are three active cyberstalkers: (There are more)

    1. Account Created February 7: Initially thought to be separate from the February 21 account. This account seemed to start with amusement as their motivation

    2. Account Created February 10: We suspect this account is linked to someone who feels wronged by "Morning Diamonds" and has made false claims about them. This person has previously said awful things about MD and seems to be ignoring how she treated them. This account seems motivated by resentment

    3. Account Created February 21: This account is particularly hostile and filled with falsehoods. We’ve try to avoid this account due to its aggressive nature. It seems to be driven by a desire for power and control.

    These accounts do not represent me or any other targeted individuals. We are not affiliated with them in any way and reject their dishonest methods. The goal of these cyberstalkers appears to be to trigger reactions and spread falsehoods. Despite these attempts to disrupt, we remain committed to speaking the truth.

    It's clear who's truly bothered here, and it's not the targets. Despite their attempts to disrupt, the truth will continue to stand. If the story “Jinx” were truly as “lazy and insulting writing” as claimed, it would not have generated such strong reactions or significant attention. The fact that it has led to cyberstalking and ongoing defense efforts indicates its impact and relevance. The time and effort invested by individuals in harassing others to cyberstalking against the truth and people standing up against their attacks reflect the significance of the subject matter. People don't waste time and effort on trash. If jinc was lazy and insulting writing" as claim many people would toss it out. People don't waste time on trash.

    We are aware that these cyberstalkers may react to this communication by posting more falsehoods, but we will not be deterred. The truth will continue to stand despite their efforts.

    Yumiswife August 13, 2024 9:07 pm
    Your reply:"Bruh writing essays on illegal websites about rape mangas." ------This is inaccurate and unwarranted. . It’s important to address the actual content and context of our discussion rather than maki... Truth and Trust

    Your Reply:

    "This is inaccurate and unwarranted."

    ----According to Scribbr, the average High School Essay is 500-1000 words. This reply is 800 words alone. That is essay length.

    "That link I posted is about something else. You used a strawman argument."
    ---You're right. I took one look at your reply in which you said Dan saying "No" and "I cant" is not rape and I was so baffled I didn't bother to look further.

    "You said you looked at the link but that shows you didn't"
    ---Again you're right. I had a look now at your links and you seem to have created an extremely biased - again ESSAY-ESQUE- list of sources that solely support your viewpoint without considering the other. Tips for your essay, please consider counter arguments next time.

    I do not deny rape fantasies exist and are harmless when that is in your consenting relationship. It is when rape is depicted in an unrealistic way such as this that is used solely as a vehicle to get to the smut that is a problem. It is insensitive and lazy.

    "Many people do and what crime is committed? The police would just laugh as many murder fantasies are popular."
    --Now where are your 600 sources on murder fantasies being popular???

    "People enjoy with when characters are killed off. "
    --I am not talking about when characters are killed off. I am talking about people going out of their way to consume media that depict others being killed. Which seems to be the case here- a sub genre of people who go out of their way to consume media that depict others being raped. You don't think that's a problem?

    "However, it's important to note that enjoying fictional scenarios, including those involving violence or crime, is not necessarily indicative of real-world behavior."
    --If I enjoy watching child p0rn, does that not make me a pedophile?
    Additionally, let me refer to the concept of "desensitisation, disinhibitition and cognitive priming" in psychology.

    "Labeling the scene from the manga as rape based solely on isolated quotes like "stop" and "no" without considering the entire narrative context is problematic."
    --I can find you many examples of the rape and sexual abuse throughout this narrative context. Heres one:
    Chapter 44. Jaekyung is drunk he says "if you don't want to do it. We won't" Dan says "He's never said that to me before" is that not indicative of a relationship based on rape and sexual abuse?

    "I know you have reading skills but you wanted to dismiss me and force your opinions on me"
    --LMAO WHERE ?? I expect I am going to get another 600 word essay promptly why would I try to "force my opinions" on you it's like talking to a brick wall with you guys.

    "Jinx is non-con but it is not rape."

    "It seems you might be overlooking perspectives from sex experts or broader analyses that could provide a more nuanced understanding of the content."
    ---Hmm yes I really need to understand the perspectives from sex experts to REALLY appreciate and gain a nuanced understanding of this deeply layered literary piece.

    "You are getting a reply like this because of how you acted. Now image if you talked to me instead of what you did."
    ---im sorry this is so funny why are you telling me off because I disagree with you LMAO.

    "Jinx isn't as lazy or insulting writing as you think since it popular to amount to this much hate on it."
    --The only reason this has so much "hate" at the moment is because the 12 year old on tiktok found it so more people are reading it. It is OK to be critical of the content you consume. It is OK to think the writing is lazy, if this story was so "nuanced" then we wouldn't be 53 chapters in and Jaekyung having no development and the story having no progress what so ever. It is OK to have opinions.

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 10:24 pm
    Your Reply:"This is inaccurate and unwarranted."----According to Scribbr, the average High School Essay is 500-1000 words. This reply is 800 words alone. That is essay length."That link I posted is about someth... Yumiswife

    Thank you for your response. I'd like to address a few issues and clarify some points:

    1. Length and Detail:

    You mentioned that my previous reply was lengthy. The detail was meant to thoroughly address your concerns, though I understand if it seemed excessive. My aim was to be comprehensive, not to overwhelm. However, your replies are inaccurate and unwarranted. Also, in how you tried to counter what I said, didn't counter it. You misunderstood me. It is not an essay, Jinx has no rape and I see your condescending remarks. My goal was to provide a thorough explanation, not to provoke frustration.

    Also, Understanding the comments and the story in question might help avoid confusion.

    2. About the Link and Strawman Arguments:

    The link I provided was to my friend's post not mine, and I stand by its relevance. I disagree with your characterization of it. It’s important to engage with the actual content rather than deflecting or conflating different issues. The focus should be on addressing the specific points rather than diverting the discussion.

    3. Regarding Murder Fantasies:

    Your comment about the need for sources on murder fantasies is noted. You just have to at what is on the media and what sales to know this is true. This seems to be a deflection rather than addressing the core issue. The point was about distinguishing between fictional media consumption and real-world behavior.

    4. Comparing Fiction to Real-Life Issues:

    Your analogy involving child pornography is inappropriate and misleading. This is a separate issue entirely. Fictional content, even if controversial, does not equate to illegal real-life acts. Comparing the two is a manipulative strawman argument and does not contribute to a productive discussion. We are talking about adults, not children. Child porn is wrong and illegal. to retort to that disgusting point shows you have no real arguments and feel like you are losing. Losing at what? Do you have to be right that much? You can't live your life doing this. This "counter" was morally wrong and highly deceitful.

    5. Interpretation of Manga Content:

    I acknowledged that the content of "Jinx" involves non-consensual elements and sexual abuse. The distinction I am making is between non-consent and rape. Misinterpreting isolated quotes can lead to misunderstandings. It's essential to analyze the entire narrative context to form a complete view.
    You are acting like I said there was none. I never claimed there was no sexual abuse; I simply pointed out the distinction between non-consent, rape and other terms.

    6. Addressing Your Comments:

    Remarks suggesting it’s “like talking to a brick wall” or implying a lack of effort on my part are unproductive. Constructive dialogue requires engaging with the points made rather than dismissing them. I was not “telling you off” but explaining my stance based on how you engaged with my comments. Personal attacks and strawman arguments detract from the discussion.

    7. Understanding Perspectives:

    The comment about needing sex experts to understand the content seemed condescending. The aim should be to engage with differing views respectfully rather than diminishing them.

    8. Personal Attacks and Opinions:

    It’s important to distinguish between having differing opinions and making personal attacks. Critiquing a story or its elements should focus on the content, not on attacking others for their views. Yes, it is okay to have opinions. But it is not okay to attack others or make others feel wrong with what they like or love. I never said my position on Jinx. It is wrong to attack others then say that is an opinion. However, these should be presented respectfully, focusing on the content rather than personal attacks.

    9. On Story Development:

    While you critique the development of "Jinx," I believe the story elements are different from what you said as Jaekyung did have some character development and there was process. Criticism should be presented respectfully and based on accurate interpretations rather than exaggerated details. When the comments are exaggerated the details to be over-critical, that makes it not an opinion but just hate. Hate is not opinion. No before you claim it, "I hate jinx" is an opinion. That is different from hate comments. T

    10. Final Thoughts:

    Engaging in discussions about sensitive topics requires careful consideration of different perspectives and avoiding conflation of fiction with real-world issues. It’s crucial to base arguments on accurate interpretations and to respect differing viewpoints.

    OH, that link is a basic definition of rape and excludes many forms of rape. While it captures a crucial aspect of rape, it doesn’t fully encompass the various forms and nuances of sexual violence. A more comprehensive definition might include various forms of non-consensual sexual activity, acknowledging that sexual violence can take many shapes and occur under different circumstances. Understanding this broader context helps in accurately discussing and addressing issues related to sexual violence.
    However even a basic definition debunks rape being in Jinx. But if want rape in the story Chapter 44 both were drunk and neither could consent. The special with Potato and Heesung both were drunk and neither could consent. That is excluding many things to make it rape.

    "Morally and legally, it is still rape if someone is: Drinking alcohol – taking advantage of someone when they have had too much to drink, or have taken drugs, is rape. Even if they seem willing they can be too drunk to consent properly",too%20drunk%20to%20consent%20properly

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 10:33 pm
    Thank you for your response. I'd like to address a few issues and clarify some points:1. Length and Detail:You mentioned that my previous reply was lengthy. The detail was meant to thoroughly address your conce... Truth and Trust

    I wished I looked at my email. I would had found this. This is written by another one of my friends.
    Rape. Rape
    is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman orchild) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.

    Rape is a FORM of Sexual Assault. Sexual assault means more. In which a person is forced to engage in sexual relations. Where is that in Jinx?
    Jinx is non-consensual but it is not rape. Sexual coercion is sexual assault not rape."
    ". The University will not tolerate rape, sexual assault, or other forms of sexual violence or nonconsensual sexual activity."

    Why is a university separating rape and nonconsensual?
    Because rape is non-con but non-con means more.

    "Any actual or attempted nonconsensual sexual activity including, but not limited to: sexual intercourse, or sexual touching, committed without physical force, coercion, threat, or intimidation; exhibitionism or sexual language of a threatening nature by a person(s) known or unknown to the victim."

    Sexual touching is non con? touching?

    “Nonconsensual pornography” is when a sexually graphic image of you is shared without your consent.
    Non-consensual sex takes many forms, including forced sex, transactional sex, cross-generational sex, unwanted touch, and molestation.

    Rape is non-con but not all non-con is rape but explain how molestation is rape?
    "Sexual coercion is sexual assault, not rape."
    It is a type of sexual assault because even if someone says yes, they are not giving their consent freely."

    Only one time on that page do they make clear one type is rape. The rest is sexual assault.

    Steadfast and True August 13, 2024 11:56 pm
    Your Reply:"This is inaccurate and unwarranted."----According to Scribbr, the average High School Essay is 500-1000 words. This reply is 800 words alone. That is essay length."That link I posted is about someth... Yumiswife

    sorry for the above couple of comments that was my other account. I am currently on schizophrenic medication that I need to come off of until then I shall be defending rape and also talking to minors. The minor in this case is 16 years old and paedophilia only because it’s 13 and under.

    Truth and Trust August 13, 2024 11:59 pm

    Just to prove my comment above this is my account that I used to justify Jaekyungs actions against Dan. I admit that you had out ChatGPTed me and this is why I haven’t responded for hours on end since I couldn’t find anything else to rebuttal your absolutely impeccable statements with which is why instead I shall be referring to you as a cybertroll from now on as I have with two other people. Including the 16 year-old that I was talking to as a married man any comment below this one is not mine is a troll

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 14, 2024 12:24 am
    Also "Secure Haven August 9, 2024 1:41 pm" []This person is a cyberstalker. They stole my friend's Identity [Secure Haven] but soon after they would steal my iden... Truth and Trust

    Let's see
    Cyberstalker from February 10 has come in with two posts with the second one she changed names to look like two accounts instead of one. She also tried to make it look like we were all the same person.

    In this situation, there are cyberstalkers and their targets. One of the cyberstalkers is trying to blur the lines between us and them, pretending that the targets are actually them. While they may claim to have schizophrenia, it’s important to emphasize that the targets are not them, and we are not them. Their goal is to harm the targets by pretending to be one of us.

    I did not read her two replies. but it is concerning that someone would attempt to weaponize mental health issues like schizophrenia as part of their harassment tactics.

    It’s unfortunate that they feel the need to resort to false accusations and mockery in an attempt to provoke a reaction. Posting factual replies and standing up against harassment is not 'crying'—it's about maintaining integrity and not allowing lies to go unchallenged.

    These baseless claims have already been debunked, and continuing to spread them only further discredits their position. We see through these tactics, and they won't deter us from speaking the truth.

    It's clear who's truly bothered here, and it's not the targets. Despite their attempts to disrupt, the truth will continue to stand.