I really like the plot so far, but not gonna lie the author is a weirdo with this normaliz...

blob August 8, 2024 1:40 pm

I really like the plot so far, but not gonna lie the author is a weirdo with this normalization of mijae being set up with taekin even if it was just a suggestion its weird the lad is a high schooler mijae is not only his teacher but in his 30s have some decency like can we stop normalizing this tiptoeing to a pedo mentality theme bl authors are displaying? also i liked the main character until the whole andy ark came by, the dude is a stalker and a cheater why does mc thinks it’s appropriate for him to not only make mijae look like he’s “overreacting” but tries to get him back with andy, the man said no its his relationship respect his boundaries I don’t understand why it suddenly became pro cheaters as in cheating isn’t that big of a deal, mc started to be very noisy so much for being a no drama no headache no complication dude its out of character for him

    blob August 8, 2024 2:58 pm

    Damn minjae punching andy in the face was brutal it actually shocked me lol

    ktrevv August 8, 2024 9:15 pm

    Exactly. Can't even find wholesome but also interesting manga anymore ffs

    Verius August 9, 2024 12:00 am

    I think Heechan is just really dumb and stubborn. We can see how he didn’t really care about Taekin in the beginning of the story, shaming Taekin for committing suicide and such. But after a few people helped him actually understand Taekin’s situation, he slowly starts to emphasize with Taekin. Honestly, Heechan can’t take a hint and he didn’t even know his friend of 15 years was gay. And whenever he’s curious about something, he’s just nosy and keeps bringing up the topic. And I guess that’s the author’s way of narrating the story, because if Heechan wasn’t nosy then the story is probably going to drag on for a while to start certain parts of the story and there’s probably going to be some misunderstandings here and there. And perhaps if the reader has a closed-off mindset like Heechan, then the author makes Heechan learn from his old beliefs and start to open up to the idea of new and good ones. Nevertheless, I hope that Chapter 61 is going to make Heechan understand not only Minjae’s situation and boundaries, but as well as others around him. Heechan is a wonderful character, but I just want the author to make him less dumb…

    blob August 9, 2024 6:14 pm
    Exactly. Can't even find wholesome but also interesting manga anymore ffs ktrevv

    Yep pretty much, there is something good about it like the plot but then bam weird ass inappropriate behavior/discussion including a minor like why do authors do that its just gross and offers nothing to the plot or the entertainment the manhwa gives

    ktrevv August 9, 2024 9:06 pm
    Yep pretty much, there is something good about it like the plot but then bam weird ass inappropriate behavior/discussion including a minor like why do authors do that its just gross and offers nothing to the pl... blob

    It has to be like an unspoken rules because why do they all HAVE to include minors.. like even a playful joke or the art style makes me hate the manga

    blob August 10, 2024 10:51 am
    It has to be like an unspoken rules because why do they all HAVE to include minors.. like even a playful joke or the art style makes me hate the manga ktrevv

    I think cause there is an audience for it there are people here defending pedophilia like its their livelihood it’s unbelievable how “a relationship with a minor is wrong” needs any further explanation or discussion

    blob August 10, 2024 10:54 am
    It has to be like an unspoken rules because why do they all HAVE to include minors.. like even a playful joke or the art style makes me hate the manga ktrevv

    Plus it normalizes it even with “suttle” scenes making the whole situation casual is what gets people to see it as not so bad or problematic

    Xinxin August 10, 2024 3:49 pm
    Yep pretty much, there is something good about it like the plot but then bam weird ass inappropriate behavior/discussion including a minor like why do authors do that its just gross and offers nothing to the pl... blob

    Wait you had me lost here, where's the pedo happening here in this story??? Seme isn't interested in the minor of the story + I think it's normal for high schoolers to have crushes on their teachers (didn't happen to me but istg when I was in high school a lot of that happened). So like...???? Because MC is inside the minor's body and they're like flirting in school? Is that what you mean??

    blob August 11, 2024 5:32 am
    Wait you had me lost here, where's the pedo happening here in this story??? Seme isn't interested in the minor of the story + I think it's normal for high schoolers to have crushes on their teachers (didn't hap... Xinxin

    they humor the idea of getting minjae to touch,hug or be in a genuine relationship with taekin which minjae refuses not because of the obvious reasons that is he is a minor and his student, but because he doesn’t have feelings for him, nothing wrong with crushing on a teacher but to pursue them (or to be exact adult in the body of a minor pursuing them) is wrong, or the scene with andy and taekin discussing his relationship with minjae and joking “you wouldn’t have a chance even if minjae dated a toddler” all in all very weird and uncomfortable scenes which i think are unnecessary

    LeniSnow August 12, 2024 4:15 pm

    This whole thread didnt pass the vibe

    ktrevv August 12, 2024 10:02 pm
    This whole thread didnt pass the vibe LeniSnow

    The fuck is this guy talking about

    blob August 14, 2024 3:53 am
    This whole thread didnt pass the vibe LeniSnow

    i know right ? we should push the normalization for more pedo content

    blob August 14, 2024 3:54 am

    Brain dead people i swear

    peevacorn August 14, 2024 5:40 pm
    Brain dead people i swear blob

    Well, Taekinn is 15 and Minjae is around 30, so it's controversial as to whether it can be called pedoephilia. The age gap is certainly there, but the mental age plays a role too, and if you read the novel you'll see that the OG Taekin is actually quite mature for his age.
    As for Heechan, I think he tried to help Andy because he emphasized with him, and I think that his kindness is what actually makes him likeable, despite that he's a bit stupid in this particular situation.
    All of Samk's novel tackle with dark and controversial topics, I don't like some of them either but I guess it's in demand, hence their popularity. If you want something more wholesome you can Turning or Here U Are, people say a lot of good things about them.

    blob August 15, 2024 5:37 am
    Well, Taekinn is 15 and Minjae is around 30, so it's controversial as to whether it can be called pedoephilia. The age gap is certainly there, but the mental age plays a role too, and if you read the novel you'... peevacorn

    Um wtf is “controversial” about a relationship with a 15 yr when the other person is 30? It is pedophilia and its more disgusting that you are using the good old pedo excuse of “he is mature for his age” no he is not, he is a minor and thats that, this is what i mean about normalizing this type of disgusting relationship people like you fr think its okay for a 15 year old to have a relationship with someone the age of their parents, not discussing anything further with you its brain rot fr