Lol I hate how in all of these abusive ml stories they've a very sad past I guess they thr...

Jav August 8, 2024 10:29 am

Lol I hate how in all of these abusive ml stories they've a very sad past I guess they throw it in to gain sympathy of the readers and to justify the abuse like how the shitty things they've been doing is not bcuz they are a bad person or anything they just have a very painful past and then there's dumb mc always thinking that they are responsible for it and try to change the ml and sympathize with them all the while disregarding how bad they've been treated by them.. Folks if someone treats you like shit and abuse you that's bcuz they 'choose' to do it not bcuz they've a certain type of trauma or anything your trauma shouldn't be a burden to others!! Also forgiveness exists but not without getting an apology first!
