snaps to this!

BECAUSE AKKUN IS STUBORN. If noshiro apologized then i am more or less sure that ashita would take it badly and the mangaka was obviously stuck with non's feeling, it felt like while writting she was thinking :"i feel you nocchan . So sorry but ueweeewee sob sob little kokoro want to show acchin LOVE . Eh btw everyone will understand that ya sorry so less talk n more kawai !!"

damn straight up savage

But the misunderstanding that they had was from the both side what noshiro said ashitaka take it quite diffrently for what he actually meant he nevr wanted to break up with aakun but aakun thought he did not liked the sex so he must have thought of breaking up .so i think it was the problm of misunderstanding from both the sides.ps we all have quite diffrent personalities their relationship was more like open and nonchalnt then shy one so i dont think its bad to ask him about having sex .he did not came to a random person for sex he and akkun had dated before for its was more kike he knew akkun personality from the start .ps if i think noshiro pov he must be thinking of win akkun hearts and i guess he was pretty confident with his techniques as he grew up from that times he did not force him akkun was trying for his ass too noshiro was not the only one its just noshiro win at the end and the main thing is akkun felt pleasure he did not hurt him it wasnt like he didnt prepare him or went in with just like that he did everything that should be done while having anal .and at the end it was akkun who gave his permission when he asked him that he wont let him feel any pain and wont hurt him like berfore .noshiro loved that guy and cared about him it shows .just because he asked to have sex i dont think he is asshole for that

Yes, Akkun gave permission, because the person he loved begged him. But it's not a positive permission where 'yes! I like you, I trust you and I' m sure that it will be good for me'. It is 'I like you and I'll put up with you because you want it even if I'm not happy about it'. It's not a fully consensual act. If Noshiro loves Ashitaka so much why he doesn't respect his feelings? Ashitaka have put up with Noshiro's wishes even if he was scared. But why Noshiro couldn't do the same? I repeat, he could've offered no penetrative sex, or put the question of domination on hold. But only at the last minute he said smth like 'if you still wouldn't like it then we can switch. Just don't leave me'. He had to say from the very beginning 'i don't care who will be top. I just want to love you. We will definitely find a way to make it work, so let me stay by your side'. It's not about Noshiro's straightforwardness it is about disrespecting feelings and mental state of his supposedly precious partner.

They both were fighting for the top.its just noshiro win ashitaka tried to top him to when noshiro was drunk remember but he snaped and that did not happend .noshiro was happy when he heard that he is only one that he had used his ass with which made him happy and i wiill say it again he try to have sex witb him because he was confident with him self that he wont let him feel the pain which he didnt . It was four chapter story so to show their growth it would have taken many chapter than that.he loved him iof it would have hurt ashitaka he would have definately stoped he loved him butnhe was confdent in him self .he want to have sex with him so he begged for it its not like ashitaka surrender himself again they were fighting for being top ahsitaka was doing the same its just noshiro win .i would have been a diffrent story if aahsitaka was traumatic to the point tha he could not take it but that wasnt the case . If noshiro should apologize for doing what he did in the past ashitaka should apologize to for not properply listening to him and breking up with him but i dont think they need that tney are intelligend couple whp understand eachother .i couldhave agrred if ashitaka was a weak willed uke or girly uke that shows in a manga but he was strong willed and pretty much know what and why he is doing things.desrespecting ashitaka's feeling would have been like forcing him against his will but that was totally not the case they want to have sex with eachother thats why they did it wasnt like only noshiro was the one tricking him ashitaka was trying to trick him too but couldnt .and noshiro was gentle as he can be during sex it wasnt forve full sex its not because ashitaka had to put up with noshiro willful ness it was more lime ashitaka was scared but noshiro's words help him to get through with it

I know its your own opinion and you have every right to think.like that but in defence of noshiro i think he was just a person in love and nobdy is perfect he thought he want to have ashitaka no matter what he could jave force himself on ashitaka if he wanted to but he did not do that .he treated him kindly never did ashitaka was rough and forceful yes he could have done it without pnetration but he knew what he was doing he would have stoped if it had hurt ashitaka in any way .he was gentle and and ashitaka did tried to top him too when he was unconcious it was like a compeititon between them whose gonna top.they both are mature people not perfect becsuse they are human i dont think want to have sex with a person is wrong when you are in love and if its about if he didnt let him top,like i said before they both were tying the same thing its just noshiro won akkun gave the persmission because he begged him but he also begged akkun because he loved him he coulld have forced him.if he was an asshole and didnt loved him .i think saying he dont love him enough and he is asshole is a bit unfair he loved him enough to find him after so many years not to force him and abuse him.yes their relationship is not perfect but its beautiful and normal

But sex is not about win/loose. In reality you can't just fuck person because you sure that it'll be good. The person that you want to do should also want to be done by you. And yep I know that fiction is nothing similar with the real life but it never stops anybody) yes it's a short manga, but if Noshiro said smth about 'you can top me if you want, just don't leave me' when they jerked off each other for example, I'm pretty sure that they still will be able to have sex in ch4. It's just mangaka's choice to lead plot this way.

No relationships are same . He didnt wanted to first but then noshiro asked him and he was alright with him and it felt good .and yeas some people have that confidence in real life to that it will be okay i will handle you with care i will not let you be hurt.i am sure if it had hurt noshiro would have stoped because he wasnt seem like an abusive partner he hamdled him with care and this manga was meant to be light hearted and fluff where the love agin started with bit of a competion and then they finally sorted things out .and i dont think their realtaionship have any problm or noshiro is wrong but if that is the case then the fault came from both side noshiro wasnt the only one who wanted to top him akun wanted to do it to he even tried to top him when he was unconcious .so about the matter of winning and losing they both were in it not only noshiro is to blame then

I don't doubt that he loves him. He just doesn't want to find a compromise or his pride doesn't let him to seriously considering bottoming. Either way his love lost to his selfishness. Yes, Ashitaka wanted to be top too. But Ashitaka agreed to put up with Noshiro's wishes. Noshiro didn't lose in anything. May be I'm just too old for this manga cause I really think that if my partner doesn't want to compromise then this relationship doesn't worth it.

ashitaka was totally fine with bottoming until his first bad experience, the only reason why he was out for topping was his trauma, that noshiro could only undo with showing him that it doesn't have to feel so bad.
also saying that someone doesn't want to bottom because there are too prideful sounds heternormative as fuck, don't you think? like the bottom is somehow in a worse position? only in yaoi.
apart from the fact that there is nothing wrong with not wanting to bottom (ppl always lool down on the tops who don't want to do it, like hell, if my boyfriend would break up with me because i don't agree with being fucked in the ass, whose the selfish one here)
but it's a different situation for ashitaka, like i said, ashitaka only was against it because of his bad past experience. if a woman had a painful first time i'm pretty sure noone would question the love of the guy wanting to show her the pleasures sex again.
i agree with the non penetrating part but it's a short comedy one-shot and agreeing to non-penetrating sex (apart from destroying the competition) would probably take months or years of going out until ashitaka may overcome his trauma. shocktherapy was much better suited here.

Preach i wish i could have said it better like this

I dont think he was selfish here .ashitaka was bottom to begin with he was just scared because of the trauma which could have been sorted out like the mangaka had done because it would have taken much time for all the emotion and love the author had tried to sort out it in four chapter which i think for four chapter it was a nice and soothing ending noshiro didnt loose anything o dont get your point what should he loose?compromise are important in relationship but so.what if ashitaka has compromised compromise come from both side and relationships work with understanding.they both were selfish for their wishes but as i said previously it was non's words that gave him strength .if we always think.in a realtionship.that the other should compromise how will the relation works tha one needs to compromise and this time it was ashitaka but that doesnt make noshiro selfish .he just wanted to show him that it wil not hurt and i will not let you hurt which he did it worked out perfectly .it was non who tried to persuade ashitaka if he would have been selfish he had nt done that

No, being top or bottom isn't something good or bad. This desision should be based on yours wishes and your readiness and yes you should take into account your partner's wishes too. That's why I said about compromise. Both should find a way to put up with others wishes without emotional sacrificing. It can't be smth like 'I agreed only because of you'. They both should wish for it. And no, I don't think that some compromise agreement would change number of chapters. Ashitaka loves him too and anyway mangaka doesn't have to show all steps, only emotionally significant. Afterall they could have fight about who will be top first, for example. If author needs a competition. And if it's totally okay for you that Noshiro doesn't want to be bottom no matter what, you should agree that it's okay for Ashitaka too. It doesn't matter that he agreed 3 years ago and that he has a trauma. He should want to get rid of his trauma. He should be ready for it. He should want it now. Ashitaka wasn't ready. He agreed only because Noshiro was pushing him. The right consequence would be 'please, let me make love to you? - okay, I'm nervous but I want you to do it. Please show me your love and make me feel good, I trust you. I believe that you can make me feel good - sex'. (I'm really bad at sweet talking, sorry). Ashitaka wasn't ready.

if you find it that ashitaka wasn't ready that's fine, but i don't feel like that, nor do i think that's what the author wanted. so i think you should consider that you judge this all on your own opinion about ashitaka's emotional stability, which is fine, but that this is not a fact and other readers may disagree with that, because they judge differently.
we all need a push sometimes, to do something we know is right but can't bring ourselves to do it alone. we all have to grasp second chances, because who knows if we will get a third. i don't see it like ashitaka waa 'forced' or 'manipulated' to do it. he clearly lived without ever bottoming all those years and he didn't appear so weak that he would do this against his innerself.
to me, i think he knew he wanted and had to do it, but being tsundere in such a situation is completely normal, it's far from reality if you expect ppl to say stuff like 'yeah, i'm ready, let's do this'. most people react reluctant, unsure, dishonest. but that doesn't mean they are forced. it fits his personality to react that way.
especially when it's about something you had a bad experience with. i know a woman that doesn't use the highway because she nearly had an accident there when she was pregnant over 25 years ago. if she would have worked on that trauma, every therapist would've told her to face her fears etc.
even when we feel unsure about it, sometimes we have to do it, and we know it, doesn't mean we have to love facing it.

First of all sex was what tbey both wanted to do it noshiro didnt push him for that and if its about being top or bottom being top was what they both wanted why is it that only noshiro.is the selfish one and noshrio didnt push himself he made a request he said i will fill your mind witj ecstasy ,i wont do anything you dont lime i wont let you feel pain and if that happens hurt me kick me top mw if you want but dont even leave my side .its not pushing their selve on the partner it was something that came from his heart that he wanted he was asking for atlest give it a try .which akkun agrreed to and noshiro remain to his words .noshiro did asked him yeah akkun did nt agrred the way you wnated to but he agrred and felt good where does noshiro selfish came from just because he wanted to be a top and was saying all the time and was persuading him well akkun wanted to top too then why is tbe noshiro is the only one who.is selfish if thats the case .he had a trauma but get through with it amd tha because of noshiro and felt really good .

they were freakin horny started from the bar to the house . and ashitaka was thinking of dominating too but noshiro get his chance first . and i think thats totally fine it doesnt matter where he agreed the main thing is he agreed not because he was pushing him because noshiro made a heart warming cnfession . and it felt good .may be they are irresponsible well any one can be in their relationship thats what makes it beautiful to me . its okay you wanted something else and that didnt happend you wanted him to convey his emotion and i think he did but he did not do it the way you wanted it to but it was perfect for me so we have diffrent opinion and its okay but i dont think noshiro is a asshole and selfish
I used to think that I like this manga but I've changed my mind. Well, despite of happy ending Noshiro stil is an asshole. First of all cause he never once properly apologized to Ashitaka for his behavior ('I didn't meant it like that, so it's okay, now give me your butt' - can't really count as apology). More than that he came to the person who is scared to be bottom with just 'hey, I'm much better at sex now, I'll definitely make you feel good'! Lol what? If Ashitaka was really important to him he should've give him some space and try to compromise. Why doesn't he offer no penetrating sex, for example or switching? No, he was just selfishly chasing after Ashitaka's butt without taking into account Ashitaka's feelings fears and wishes