It's funny how the mc is just do perfect and op lol it's so silly how everything works out...

Akira_H August 7, 2024 3:32 pm

It's funny how the mc is just do perfect and op lol it's so silly how everything works out so easily, like everyone just accepting a 7yo girl making medicine, if I ever did that when I was a kid and gave the potion to my family they either would laugh it off or tell me to stop playing around and let the adults work
Or how the mc is naturally gifted in magic and even as a 7yo can change formulas or do an advanced magic, I know she reicarnated so she technically isn't rlly 7, but she acts like a child, so I'm considering that she is a 7yo that is a lil bit more mature couse she is a kid that she remembers her past life, not that she still feels as the same person as the one from the past
Anyway, the comic is fun to read, no hate, I'm hust pointing out some stuff, but I like it anyway
