why do some people think its right to say horrible things about people who like "gross" content in manga

beautiful angel August 7, 2024 9:37 am

i might be too autistic for this but shouldn't telling people disgusting things be considered equally as bad or even worse because they're actually saying it to real people? like why would so many people attack someone and say horrible things to them and all agree that its the right thing to do unless they are actually doing something that is wrong like harming someone? and especially when this is all over some boys love manga.. i admittedly have a strange moral compass compared to most people yet i still dont understand their thought process

    CherryTree August 7, 2024 10:25 am

    It's crowd psychology also called herd psychology in English i think ? It's like these people think they are shepherd dogs ( or trembling sheeps if you prefer ) It's another type of intelligence, nothing to do with thoughts , it's guided by gut-feelings rather than conscious thoughts , and obviously it has nothing to do with empathy or with you. It's like a default algorythm engrained in the brain, like everytime they feel '' weird '' about something , instead of saying '' i am very surprised ' they will not even say '' oh ... This is unexpected ... I don't know what to think about this '' no they will by default say something like '' you are being weird, please come back to the person you were before, and don't be weird. '' _ i have noticed the people that call themselves my friend like to tell me i am weird everytime i do something unexpected that makes THEM feel weird. ( Or surprised. Or shook by surprise. )
    The beauty in this mechanism is that it kept us safe in ancient times when the only thing we could do to survive was to stay in the group and gather in a cave at night , the whole tribe gathered around the fire to keep warm and to keep ourselves safe from Isolation, because there were dangerous wild beast lurking outside, so it was always better to keep the harmony within the group at all cost, and make sure we could feel nothing but absolute trust within the group. for that we had to make sure no conflicts would arise. That's why still today being different isn't necessarily seen as a good thing but it's just because of those primal, very ancient reflexes. They are keeping you safe within the group '' stay with us , and be exactly like us and we will all be safe ''

    PrettyMenSupremacy August 7, 2024 1:23 pm

    I agree, I’ve seen it everywhere and it’s honestly the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. Like hating people over a troupe they like just because THEY think is gross because we aren’t allowed to have opinions I guess??? People seem to have this weird feeling that just because they think something is gross, then they are always right. Like I’ve been through a lot of fandoms and I’ve seen my fair share of death threats to people who seem to think it’s okay to harass people because they like something. Maybe it has to do with the fact it’s fiction and they think it reflects reality.

    But like babes…if they think all fiction = reality then wtf does that say about them???
    Do they think all horror creators wanna kill people???
    Do they think all BL writers are gay???

    It’s even more stupid when they do it on a website like this, like babes you’re on an ILLEGAL WEBSITE, harassing people for liking darker elements??? That’s like going on Ao3 and harassing people over dead dove.

    Elle August 7, 2024 5:48 pm

    A lot of people on this website are very young. I read a lot of post and comments on here where you can clearly see that they are saying what they are saying because they were told that's what's right but they didn't actually sit down and thought it over with their own brains. Also a lot of people are not comfortable with their sexuality not their sexual orientation but that part of themselves which is sexual they will then seek to police anyone else who publicly displays enjoyment in sexual things because it makes them uncomfortable.

    Overall there is just this strong will to be perceives as one of the "good ones" not one of those deviant degenerates who love the wrong tropes or the wrong stories but someone with moral and rational who reads for the plot and nothing else. You can see this kind of behaviour in other media consumer groups of people but I think it's made worse on this website because most of us love BL and fujoshis (yes I know it's derogatory but I want to reclaim it) are ostracised within the wider manga/anime/webtoon community already. BL/yaoi has a negative connotation (spoiler alert it's just misogyny) and fans of the genre so most people on here want to uphold a certain image to distance themselves from such negative perception.

    Friendly advice just ignore it those are generally speaking very miserable people because they don't let themselves fully enjoy the things they like because they are constantly judging it and judging themselves. Don't let them ruin it for you. Also a lot of them are young don't let a bunch of kids ruin your day and if you're a teen/young adult yourself well good luck I was young once and I hated it lmao

    PS: I'm also autistic and know for a fact that that sense of strong morality people have on here is just pure BS just like irl