as I reread the chapter... staring at Delkira's feature. And it reminds me of Ali, when he...

sweetpotato August 7, 2024 3:12 am

as I reread the chapter... staring at Delkira's feature. And it reminds me of Ali, when he ask Iruma to give him kuch defined physical form. "sparkling eyes, slim waist, long legs" Delkira indeed have slim waist, long legs, though the eyes is not shown je have sparkling smile. Ring Gluttony, can store magical energy. I assume, before Delkira gone missing he store the last of his drop magical energy to the ring gluttonny. thats thr reason Ali is existence.

    Kuinshi August 8, 2024 2:02 am

    I haven't seen that guy in forever!