
silver streak August 7, 2024 1:43 am

I was hoping there for a moment that Ethan would vamp out and rip Matias to shreds...but nooooo. IF Matias ever gets ahold of Ethan it will be because of Ethan's love for Tristan.

    User August 12, 2024 10:24 pm

    Right? And I think that’s where it’s headed but it’s even more annoying that Tristan blindly believes Wren and isn’t thinking of how to permanently put a stop to his uncle

    silver streak August 13, 2024 3:10 am

    Remember that Tristan is still under the spell of Ethan. So his mind is a bit clouded. Add to that, Wren is also capable of playing mind games as well and has practically bled him dry. Tristan will come through to do his part when the need calls for it.