I hate hunting competitions and I'm tired of it, does anyone here have anything good to sa...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream August 7, 2024 12:22 am

I hate hunting competitions and I'm tired of it, does anyone here have anything good to say about them so maybe I could enjoy it more? I really don't.like hunting in general but in these stories, usually nothing good ever happens and when nothing good happens in general in villainess stories, why add something that will hurt worse? It doesn't make me want to read it, if anything I just want to run away and hide but I'm fighting it since I like those stories, it's a very unsettling emotion and situation to be truthful.

    dietsoba August 13, 2024 8:44 am

    i’m not a fan of them either (and hunting in general), but there is a considerable amount of historical context to their existence. however, their inclusion into pseudo-historical fantasy of all kinds mainly boils down to them being a massive social event in a different setting than usual. hunting has been popular among nobles in europe since the middle ages—huge chunks of land were even set aside for it. the sport has a hugely social aspect to it, which is where we get these huge courtly competitions of medieval times and hunting parties later on. a recent, non-rofan example, would be the one in house of the dragon season 1—i’m so used to seeing them in these rofan series that i was kind of shocked to see one play out so similarly in story far more grounded in history. in short, it’s a change of setting that allows for different plot lines that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.…I will say that they don’t make contextual sense in many, many rofan manhwa and that some authors seem to include them as if they’re required to add them without thinking about the details.