Review time!!!

CallmeSick August 6, 2024 9:53 pm

Up till the end I felt bad for Ha Bibi. I mean she was deceived in the first place. Not only was she an emotionally unstable person in the beginning but she was also exhausted from being an adult and work. Additionally, living alone as a woman also stressed her a lot. So I understand how she was hysterical when she found out about mc and ml. Like who wouldn't? When the pet you loved the most was actually a human and was also fu€k!ng with your other pet who you thought was female but was actually a male human in YOUR LIVING ROOM!

Although what she did was wrong, she had proven to suffer too much karma. Haru was her only source of emotional support so I was glad she didn't went mad after all that happened (just think of it like your pet dog died, that feeling of loss, grief, and regret are so strong it could cause depression.) I was glad she was able to make resolve with them in the end though.. but I still feel bitter.

Moving on, I really don't like Haru, especially on the near end of the story. I mean he was so persistent on going to the rabbit kingdom despite Nungso being so hesitant and and telling him about the dangers and risk of going to the kingdom but he still persist anyway. He insists that Nungso can protect him even thoigh he's seen how vulnerable Nungso was and how he was treated in that kingdom. Actually, I really can't understand why the decree was passed, the one about being impotent if they insult Nungso, it just didn't make sense how the strong willed counsel even let it pass. Moreover, he was so stubborn and dramatic I just can not nit-pick his character okay? I also hate how he easily turned his back on Ha Bibi despite saying he loves her and blahblah. I say he's truly blinded by love and all that sex that he can't even think rationally. Additionally, what's the point of following the cat anyway?

Lastly, Nungso. This guy's character is so hard to understand at first. His thoughts process and actions are sometimes contradicting. Then suddenly his behavior change and even his judgement change like??? Anyway, I disagree how he hates on Ha Bibi despite her caring for him as a pet as well. Overall, I love this man's character development.

(I stayed up all night reading this. I donno if I missed some info but zzzz)

Oh! I LOVE the art style. They just looked delicious without clothes. And the kids were cute, too, I wish they could've let us get a view of Haru's baby bump or labor moment as well.
