I'll get hate for this but watevs. What happened to reading for shits and giggles? What ha...

Inque August 6, 2024 5:38 pm

I'll get hate for this but watevs. What happened to reading for shits and giggles? What happened to not projecting ourselves onto characters and just being spectators? Y'all can't be seriously trying to moralise with any of these characters and trying to say whose the lesser evil. I see pple trying to defend the betas cheating when in the story he isn't even aware of the alphas cheating and cheats anyway. To me it seems he ain't so different from his dad, easily falling into temptation at the first person that validates their existence and sates their loneliness.

Personally I think most cheaters just don't love their partners enough to not creampie or get creampied by others. He and the alpha ain't so different in that regard. He could have left without cheating but he does the same thing the alpha did even though unknowingly. I find it weird how y'all don't see his wrong too and try to paint him as a victim that needed to cheat too. Even with cheating he still gets the shortest end of the stick.

Even that buwon guy isn't a nice guy cz he chases the beta knowing he likes someone and takes advantage of his loneliness because if that wasn't the case he wouldn't even have a chance. He is a literal opportunist and y'all are trying to validate their actions when they both ain't shit. No one in the story is shit and that's the point. I know in the novel the beta doesn't cheat and that would have been better to me cz it would have maintained his integrity but now he is also a piece of shit.
