So ignorant! Bro, short and young looking adults exist. If the art-style isn’t to your liking, you can stay away. Not all people enjoy beefy ukes, some like twinks. People can have their preferences. You should broader your perspectives. Ppl like you bully if a dwarf person date a normal adult. Because “they look like a child.”

Yes, these narrow minded idiots don’t know every culture, society has different standards for beauty, has different looks and body proportions. I recently read another case where a girl in her twenties suffering from dwarfism was dating a normal adult male. They posted their pics on their acc and people bullied her boyfriend so much, calling him pedo, making their life miserable even after the lady made things clear that she is an adult. In the end, they had to break up because of such ignorant ppl.
If some adult looks like a child to someone, it doesn’t actually make them child. Just like if some 16 yrs old looks like they’re in their 20s, it doesn’t make them adult. This kind of discrimination based on looks should end. And I enjoy diverse art-styles, as long as characters and story are good too. Some might be to my preferences, some not.

Hey, Im a short an young adult and I don't looks like a fucking child. There's a difference in the head to body ratio between children and adults.
I'm a 5'7 and 60kg male. I am pretty skinny and short and I still have the anatomy of an adult male. Im pretty much a twink except I'm not gay.
The artist is know to make their ukes look like a child and not a adult. I'm not speaking about height or how petite they are, but basic anatomy. The head to body ratio is that of a child and compared to the too you can see it. If the head was smaller, he would look like an adult.
And no, dwarfs also look like adults. Even dwarf children and adults have anatomical differences.

Arthur Morgan my pookie wookie, didn't expect to see you anywhere in this site except "Maru is a Puppy" comment section, especially slaying this hard
Just read everything you wrote about the shotacon thing, and you are definitely right, but the others aren't getting it.
Being short or young looking bc of race and being draw as a literal child are completely different, just bc you are what i just described (short/young looking) and aren't as romantically popular, doesn't change the fact that the author has questionable choices in drawing.
Yes, everyone is physically different, ESPECIALLY children's bodies compared to young adults! And clearly, by looking at the other only character there is, who is at most 5 years older than our MC, the author KNOWS how to draw an actual young adult: yk small/medium head fitting the body and not extremely big round eyes. The body is fine.
Subtle pedophilia, or also know as shotacon/lolicon, is very common in otaku culture, but just bc something is common, doesn't mean it is right. Before 2010, it was very popular animes with such childish looking characters, but we are at 2024, guys.
Just look at other bl works who at the times may even exaggerate the "manliness" like their head or neck, it's not a style suited anymore or socially accepted, since we are more conscious now of such things as child abuse.
Nga is drawn likes he's 13 and it's so weird. From what I can see, the author keeps on drawing adults looking like children getting dick up their ass,, so I do think they might be into a thing starting w S and ending w hota.
Honestly u weird af you enjoy that