Well it seams that JJ is treated like a convenient babysitter, sex friend, and care taker ...

sammy August 6, 2024 8:54 am

Well it seams that JJ is treated like a convenient babysitter, sex friend, and care taker by his boyfriend. They are dating but the other guy never bothers to be considerate, he parties gets drunk and flirts with others left and right while in a relationship and JJ has to come in and clean up his mess, he never bothers to show more consideration, not once in the recollection did we see him do something for his boyfriend ever and while he clearly likes JJ, his actions do not prove it at all so its not surprising that bro is tired of that bs.

While not inherently a bad person, he takes everyone around him for granted and expects they will always be there with him and for him regardless of how he treats them, JJ had previously told him about him moving to Acorn but he doesn't even remember, what kind of relationship partner doesn't remember the important things that concern the career of someone whom you love dearly, its basically says you're not that important to me so i don't remember anything about you.

He also hasn't been seen initiative in the relationship in present time or in flashbacks e.g. spending time together, going out on dates, or having heart to heart talks. The only time he takes initiative strongly is for sex, so its not surprising that JJ feels more like a sex friend that a boyfriend. Its quite a toxic relationship

Everyone else seems to encourage his behaviour and never call him out. I would expect his sisters to seriously sit him down and guide him to think seriously about his his behaviour over the past 5 years towards JJ and others but they just laugh it off and its doing nothing to help him, really hope it doesn't continue.

The redemption arc better be good.
