Just gonna clear some stuff up here. Bulimia is diagnosed (according to the DSM) when you ...

ToxicMalice March 11, 2017 5:39 am

Just gonna clear some stuff up here. Bulimia is diagnosed (according to the DSM) when you binge and purge at least 3 times a week for three months, including the other symptoms of an eating disorder. Whereas Anorexia is diagnosed primarily based on being underweight, including other eating disorder symptoms. EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified) is where you don't fall under any specific ed category though you exhibit behavior that accompanies any of the following: binge eating disorder, anorexia, and bulimia. I don't know if I explained this well, but I recommend looking at the DSM-5 to see the actual criteria that sets them apart.

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 8:00 am

    Adding to this, anorexia is split into 2 subtypes. Restricting type (non binge/purging) and binge-eating/purging type.

    From looking up the information this is what I found to be the biggest differences between the eating disorders.
    Frequent binging without purging or other behavior to prevent weight gain is Binge Eating Disorder
    Frequent binging along with behavior to prevent weight gain WITHOUT meeting the criteria of anorexia is Bulimia Nervosa. There's also purging and non-purging subtypes of bulimia.
    Anorexia Nervosa involves restricted food intake due to fear of weight gain, SIGNIFICANT WEIGHT LOSS, and lack of recognition of the severity of being underweight.

    Individuals with bulimia maintain/gain weight whereas individuals with anorexia have weight loss.

    Blueberries March 12, 2017 2:10 pm
    Adding to this, anorexia is split into 2 subtypes. Restricting type (non binge/purging) and binge-eating/purging type.From looking up the information this is what I found to be the biggest differences between t... @Anonymous

    Finally some correct facts, I swear to god there were so many idiots commenting with zero knowledge. Thank you *bow* Also take a look at my comment which I tried to prove in 'laymen terms' that this is indeed anorexia .... the topic is "IT IS Anorexia so here is a 101 on Anorexia and Bulimia and evidence why I believe so"