a lot of hate for this and i think it's soo unjustified!! both leads are incredibly mature and emotionally intelligent. are the lines a bit corny- yes but it's literally a korean ceo story.. there's no way around it. but wonwoo is such a gentle ml and fl is so strong!! the author went off bc everything eunso does and says shows off someone who's trying to be confident in herself and her abilities yet has been betrayed by everyone and this doesn't believe anyone would go as far as ml has for her I LOVE THEM THEY DESERVE THE WORLD ABD FUCK JAEHA
Totally agree with you. It’s understandable since FL has been through so much for her to act guarded and how GREEN the ML is towards her is PRECIOUS!!!
a lot of hate for this and i think it's soo unjustified!! both leads are incredibly mature and emotionally intelligent. are the lines a bit corny- yes but it's literally a korean ceo story.. there's no way around it. but wonwoo is such a gentle ml and fl is so strong!! the author went off bc everything eunso does and says shows off someone who's trying to be confident in herself and her abilities yet has been betrayed by everyone and this doesn't believe anyone would go as far as ml has for her