It was a good read, but I feel like something is missing?

RandomMob August 6, 2024 3:25 am

It was a great story overall, but it didn't feel completed yet, there were parts that weren't properly addressed or explained, the ending was too vague and rushed.

The most properly explained characters are the second pair, but their issue was just because of miscommunication. He slept around because of lack of communication. The other characters, especially the main characters... just when character development was at reach and they finally overcome their issues, it suddenly ended abruptly with only vague explanation of what happened afterwards...

It didn't make feel like it was resolved properly, like what happen to the antagonist? What happened to MC's relationship after they met again? MC's mothers? Career?! at least an explanation on how they ended with the decision of him going to abroad or if they just decided to have long distance relationship or if they totally cut of communication until they meet again?
