I love this story some much....until the part where the black kid is called the n word, th...

What_the_fuck August 5, 2024 11:40 pm

I love this story some much....until the part where the black kid is called the n word, then after that idk I just stop reading it...

    Sun August 6, 2024 1:38 pm

    K, stop reading it then

    Ruby-sama123 August 6, 2024 2:57 pm

    Idk why you're here if you claimed to stop reading it...

    SAMMY! August 6, 2024 3:44 pm

    Why are u guys so weird about their claim. They stopped reading. That's it. Why comment if you're looking for a fight. Like. Go on. Read.

    What_the_fuck August 6, 2024 4:12 pm
    Idk why you're here if you claimed to stop reading it... Ruby-sama123

    Idk why your so bothered by what I commented, it my personal opinion like. Actually, you're probably not a color person (actually let me be more blunt, a black person) so that's why you don't understand me feel that type a way. And I was here in the first place because the author did Issue a apology about it and I was gonna read it again but I still feel uncomfortable about that chapter, and I say what I said...

    What_the_fuck August 6, 2024 4:20 pm
    K, stop reading it then Sun

    Uhh I did stop reading it, did u not read my comment, or are u just feeling some type of way cause you probably like the story that much that when someone complaints about it ( That should've of been complained about and should've have been addressed) that you feel the need to say oh then stop reading it....like I can say what I wanna say, and read what I wanna read if I wanna read it....but I did stop reading it

    What_the_fuck August 6, 2024 4:22 pm
    Why are u guys so weird about their claim. They stopped reading. That's it. Why comment if you're looking for a fight. Like. Go on. Read. SAMMY!

    Fr like it was never supposed to be that deep

    SAMMY! August 6, 2024 4:32 pm
    Fr like it was never supposed to be that deep What_the_fuck

    Don't worry dude. People the these are wierd and shady, no moral and stuff

    Ruby-sama123 August 8, 2024 3:00 pm
    Idk why your so bothered by what I commented, it my personal opinion like. Actually, you're probably not a color person (actually let me be more blunt, a black person) so that's why you don't understand me feel... What_the_fuck

    How would you know if I'm a colored or even a black person? Do you even know that information anyway? If my comment gets you this triggered to the point where you typed out a whole ass paragraph then you need help.

    All you need to do is clarify and I will apologise but since this is how you respond, I have no need to apologise.

    Ruby-sama123 August 8, 2024 3:04 pm
    Why are u guys so weird about their claim. They stopped reading. That's it. Why comment if you're looking for a fight. Like. Go on. Read. SAMMY!


    SAMMY! August 8, 2024 9:07 pm
    How would you know if I'm a colored or even a black person? Do you even know that information anyway? If my comment gets you this triggered to the point where you typed out a whole ass paragraph then you need h... Ruby-sama123

    Proceeds to right the a long triggered paragraph. Lmao. If you don't want to apologise then go and cry about something else then. "All you need to clarify .." bruh be aware of how your actions/words hurt people. It's called. Empathy Awareness intelligence and so on..

    What_the_fuck August 9, 2024 1:13 am
    How would you know if I'm a colored or even a black person? Do you even know that information anyway? If my comment gets you this triggered to the point where you typed out a whole ass paragraph then you need h... Ruby-sama123

    "All you need to do is clarify" like clarify what?, I can clarify that you came off a little rude. "Idk why your here if you claim to stop reading it" idk why u said that like, if u didn't wanted to trigger someone. I don't need a apology, I'm just wondering why you approach with my comment, like that...you must've been a little trigger or something but I don't know

    Ruby-sama123 August 9, 2024 3:00 am
    Proceeds to right the a long triggered paragraph. Lmao. If you don't want to apologise then go and cry about something else then. "All you need to clarify .." bruh be aware of how your actions/words hurt people... SAMMY!

    Ok soooo what do you want? A gold star?

    Ruby-sama123 August 9, 2024 3:01 am
    Proceeds to right the a long triggered paragraph. Lmao. If you don't want to apologise then go and cry about something else then. "All you need to clarify .." bruh be aware of how your actions/words hurt people... SAMMY!

    Omg i feel so loved ~ lmao

    Ruby-sama123 August 9, 2024 3:02 am
    "All you need to do is clarify" like clarify what?, I can clarify that you came off a little rude. "Idk why your here if you claim to stop reading it" idk why u said that like, if u didn't wanted to trigger som... What_the_fuck

    Wowww I still have you attention, I feel so honored

    Ruby-sama123 August 9, 2024 3:02 am
    "All you need to do is clarify" like clarify what?, I can clarify that you came off a little rude. "Idk why your here if you claim to stop reading it" idk why u said that like, if u didn't wanted to trigger som... What_the_fuck

    What_the_fuck August 9, 2024 4:17 am

    Bookie, you know I'm right. That's why you can't say nothing. I don't think you comprehend what I just said anyways

    What_the_fuck August 9, 2024 4:18 am
    Omg i feel so loved ~ lmao Ruby-sama123

    Girl you feel embarrassed, not love, don't get confused

    What_the_fuck August 9, 2024 4:22 am
    Wowww I still have you attention, I feel so honored Ruby-sama123

    Because you seek attention, now you have my attention, I feel honored to check you

    Ruby-sama123 August 9, 2024 12:02 pm
    Because you seek attention, now you have my attention, I feel honored to check you What_the_fuck

    And I don't give a fuck cos giving you attention makes me laugh everytime so thank you for being my entertainment

    Ruby-sama123 August 9, 2024 12:03 pm
    Girl you feel embarrassed, not love, don't get confused What_the_fuck

    Nah, I feel entertained by you