That’s crazy

Gummy_bear August 5, 2024 10:54 pm

How are you gonna say “nobody talks about that chapter anymore” like what!!??? That’s like the most racist thing ever, you just gonna pretend the racism never happened just cause you like the story and then tell people who don’t find racism acceptable (ITS NOT) to get over it just because it happened a while ago. Y’all, racism is never acceptable no matter how long ago it happened. This is like a white person getting mad at a black person who’s mad at them for saying the n word just because slavery happened a while ago. You guys can read and talk about the recent chapters all you want, but no matter your race you have no right to tell someone who’s mad about the racism to just get over it. I personally could never you guys are weird.

    sugary August 5, 2024 11:08 pm

    Where's racism? This manhwa is about showing the different types of bullying and black people aren't angels with a halo. It showed Korean bullying, black and white people too. You just gotta stop making it always about poor victims, black people aren't angels because of their history and there are bullies among them who even bully fellow black people. And if you're about the art style, then it's not like they're drawing every character as hot and beautiful and only did the black characters dirty. Just think about it rationally

    Gummy_bear August 5, 2024 11:11 pm
    Where's racism? This manhwa is about showing the different types of bullying and black people aren't angels with a halo. It showed Korean bullying, black and white people too. You just gotta stop making it alwa... sugary

    I’m not sure if you know this so I’m gonna say this as bluntly as I can. A non black person saying the n word is racist. Hope this helps!

    Potatobeans August 6, 2024 11:43 am

    Get over it ffs, you guys give grace to celebrities for doing even worse things, they apologized and they deleted the chapters, stop bringing it up over and over again, if it bothers you that much just stop reading the comic, it's really that simple

    sugary August 6, 2024 12:11 pm
    I’m not sure if you know this so I’m gonna say this as bluntly as I can. A non black person saying the n word is racist. Hope this helps! Gummy_bear

    But a black person shaming asians or white people is not? Grow up, racism is racism and black people aren't angels lol. Even they call themselves the n word and call white people the n word. I wonder how it's okay when they do it but other races are shamed for it

    Sun August 6, 2024 1:39 pm

    Dude, nobody dont talk about that chap anymore

    Gummy_bear August 6, 2024 5:24 pm
    Get over it ffs, you guys give grace to celebrities for doing even worse things, they apologized and they deleted the chapters, stop bringing it up over and over again, if it bothers you that much just stop rea... Potatobeans

    Who is you guys? I don’t forgive people when they do worse things than racism, maybe you do but I don’t. And I’m really sorry but it’s really not that simple. Racism is still racism, and I will bring it up.

    Gummy_bear August 6, 2024 5:34 pm
    But a black person shaming asians or white people is not? Grow up, racism is racism and black people aren't angels lol. Even they call themselves the n word and call white people the n word. I wonder how it's o... sugary

    A black person shaming Asians is racist, but honestly it really depends on white people. With how racist a LOT of white people are to black ppl or poc in general, most of the hate they get they deserve. I never said black people are angles. I know that they aren’t angles, but every race has their problems not just black people who are usually always made out to be the villians. The creators could honestly have chosen any other race, but they for some reason chose black people. Not only did they not represent them well, they represented them as workers and farmers, doing the dirty work which is honestly the rudest way you can represent them. They made basically every single black person ugly, and then made the black people the most racist people ever. I’m sorry but you clearly are not black yourself so you can’t talk. Black people can call themselves and other people the n word because it’s their slur. White people and other races can’t call black people the n word cause it’s not their slur, it’s racist, and really disrespectful. If you want education on why other races can’t call black people the n word, look it up, you should have learned this in school and I’m not a teacher.

    Gummy_bear August 6, 2024 5:39 pm
    Dude, nobody dont talk about that chap anymore Sun

    Please grow up. you sound like an immature child say “you’re wrong!” Over and over because you can’t be mature and accept that you’re wrong.

    Nyx Yoriichi August 14, 2024 6:01 am

    That doesn't mean you suddenly got a right to distirb other ppl with talks abt that arc on other comment sections that has nothing to do with those chapters.Colored ppl have a right to be mad at that word.AND readers have a right to discuss and read whatever they want without feeling sassed or disturbed by ppl who stopped reading yet still comment that issue under new chapters and replying to ppl who are discussing abt a new arc with their reactions on that arc again.It's not being being racist.It's telling them to go somewhere RELEVANT to take out those frustration and stop jumping into the irrelevant comments cuz it make the other readers and comment writers UNCOMFORTABLE AND DISTURBED.No one's asking y'all to keep writing comments.Go annoy the author instead of the readers who had nothing to do with saying that words.

    Gummy_bear August 14, 2024 2:13 pm
    That doesn't mean you suddenly got a right to distirb other ppl with talks abt that arc on other comment sections that has nothing to do with those chapters.Colored ppl have a right to be mad at that word.AND r... Nyx Yoriichi

    Um, I never said nobody couldn’t talk about the recent chapter. All I said that the people who are telling the other people who are mad at the chapter have no right to tell them to get over it, because racism isn’t something you just get over, and they have a right to be mad. I said that they can talk about the recent chapter, but they should stop being rude to the people who aren’t. If you tell someone to get over racism, it shows that you yourself are either racist or not black, so please, leave people who are mad about racism be. They can talk about it wherever they want.

    Gummy_bear August 14, 2024 2:15 pm
    Um, I never said nobody couldn’t talk about the recent chapter. All I said that the people who are telling the other people who are mad at the chapter have no right to tell them to get over it, because racism... Gummy_bear

    Also how did you find my comment? Either you where looking through my profile for some reason or you where scrolling and scrolling page after and somehow found mine

    Nyx Yoriichi August 14, 2024 11:30 pm
    Um, I never said nobody couldn’t talk about the recent chapter. All I said that the people who are telling the other people who are mad at the chapter have no right to tell them to get over it, because racism... Gummy_bear

    I'm also just saying we're mad bc you guys keep bringing up something in the places that has nothing to do with your problems.Reddit,quora,tiktok,etc.There are dozen of places you guys can make your own posts abt this manga to show your frustration abt racism.Maybe you don't say those things but there are comments like sassing ppl for keep reading this and even curse them and call them racists.That's disturbing.When every comment sections of new chapters are full of those kind of things rather than the discussions abt the relevant chapters,it naturally disturb you or annoy you in the least. nobody,i mean nobody put efforts to write things like''i don't read this anymore bc it's racist'' or ''that manga is sort of this,sort of that,etc.'' on every comment section even under the comments that are not talking abt them.At this point, y'all are not complaining to author who can't hear anymore.Y'all are attacking the readers who keep reading.It might not seem that way to y'all but it is to us.Just bc that arc hurt you doesn't mean you should make the others feel attacked and discriminated.

    Gummy_bear August 14, 2024 11:37 pm
    I'm also just saying we're mad bc you guys keep bringing up something in the places that has nothing to do with your problems.Reddit,quora,tiktok,etc.There are dozen of places you guys can make your own posts a... Nyx Yoriichi

    Did you even read my comment? And bro “Just bc that arc hurt you doesn’t mean you should make the other feel attacked and discriminated.” BLACK PEOPLE WHERE THE ONES ATTACKED AND DISCRIMINATED AGAINST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! We can talk about this on whatever site we want. Also, just to let you know because you seem uneducated on this, but a “comment section” is a place for people to comment on the story, so when people want to comment about a chapter, they can! People can talk about the current chapter, or the racist chapter, this is what the comment section is for! Hope this helps.