if this were straight no one would support it but because it's guys apparently rape isn't ...

gigolette March 11, 2017 1:58 am

if this were straight no one would support it but because it's guys apparently rape isn't an issue.

    Cheylord March 11, 2017 2:20 am

    no, i'd be fine if it was straight too, since it's fictional porn

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 2:51 am

    I get what you mean. I get really annoyed at authors who use rapes as device to move the plot. It's so unrealistic overused. I mean can't they have kinky sex without someone being raped. However, I feel like some manga really uses it is a positive way that adds to the characters and story line. (ex. warehouse?)

    gigolette March 11, 2017 3:00 am
    no, i'd be fine if it was straight too, since it's fictional porn Cheylord

    fictional is not an excuse. if a guy boldly proclaimed he liked to read stories about girls getting raped he'd be rightfully shamed because fictional or not it tells something about your own character. i rly want to know what's the appeal in reading about someone unwillingly engaging in intercourse with someone else. is the fact that the manga writers purposefully make it seem like a normal bodily reaction means that the victim ~secretly~ enjoys it? maybe id understand if it led the way for complex plot line but most yaoi with rape turn it into love which is disturbing. there's nothing romantic about rape.

    gigolette March 11, 2017 3:03 am
    I get what you mean. I get really annoyed at authors who use rapes as device to move the plot. It's so unrealistic overused. I mean can't they have kinky sex without someone being raped. However, I feel like so... @Anonymous

    i haven't read warehouse yet but i agree rape can be used for building character/story line but i don't see that happening for this manga (or a lot of yaoi with rape elements) and that rly disappoints me because the plot was originally appealing to me.

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 3:35 am
    fictional is not an excuse. if a guy boldly proclaimed he liked to read stories about girls getting raped he'd be rightfully shamed because fictional or not it tells something about your own character. i rly wa... gigolette

    well in this case he might have been unwilling at first but it's not like he was totally against it. either way you can't judge someone's character solely on the fact that they enjoy something fictionally. for example, you like to read about two guys fucking each other. you could be perceived as a fuckin weirdo and pervert to others. I'm not saying rape is okay, but the fact is that it is fictional and should stay fictional. Don't try to bring depth into it or whatever by comparing it to real life shit. sometimes you're not gonna ever get answers, everybody has their own quirks. sometimes all you wanna do is see/read about them fucking and rape just happens to be what the mangaka had fantasized about. just like you might fantasize about s&m, or super fluffly romantic sex, some people just aren't into that. just like tentacle sex, some people are into that shit and I don't get it but whatever I get over it and don't ever watch it/read it. leave people's fantasies alone

    gigolette March 11, 2017 3:49 am
    well in this case he might have been unwilling at first but it's not like he was totally against it. either way you can't judge someone's character solely on the fact that they enjoy something fictionally. for ... @Anonymous

    if the person is not up for it at the very beginning, it's already rape. you aren't really comparing reading about two guys loving each other to rape. if someone finds me weird for reading about gay people id be inclined to believe they are just homophobic.
    and nothing is just fictional. the second you start to become desensitized to something in the fictional realm, it affects you in reality too, whether you're aware of it or not. is simple psychology. the fact that someone is fanticizing about OTHER people getting raped is disturbing and im going to judge it as such. it deals with real life shit and im going to compare it to real life shit. whether you like it or not, your "quirk" involves an actual problem that should not be romanticized and im sorry your too numb to see that.

    Cheylord March 11, 2017 5:43 am
    fictional is not an excuse. if a guy boldly proclaimed he liked to read stories about girls getting raped he'd be rightfully shamed because fictional or not it tells something about your own character. i rly wa... gigolette

    i never said rape was romantic. besides, what you're doing is just shaming others for their tastes and opinions, which is rather rude

    Cheylord March 11, 2017 5:46 am
    if the person is not up for it at the very beginning, it's already rape. you aren't really comparing reading about two guys loving each other to rape. if someone finds me weird for reading about gay people id b... gigolette

    also, if youre really affected by fiction, you must lack self control and the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. people arent as dumb as you think they are, and their thoughts shouldnt matter as long as they dont act on them (which in most cases they dont)

    gigolette March 11, 2017 6:01 am
    also, if youre really affected by fiction, you must lack self control and the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. people arent as dumb as you think they are, and their thoughts shouldnt matter a... Cheylord

    it's literally psychology. people aren't as smart as they think they are. by allowing something in the fictional realm, you ARE slowly desensitizing yourself in reality. there are studies to show this and the fact that you are defending rape to romance stories as harmless is just proof. you don't need to act on rape to condone it, by simply defending it you are contributing to rape culture, which is a very real thing. i don't know how old you are but i do hope you grow up one day to see how wrong rape is. it's psychologically damaging and no amount of anticlimactic fetishized stories about boys in "love" is going to change that.

    gigolette March 11, 2017 6:07 am
    i never said rape was romantic. besides, what you're doing is just shaming others for their tastes and opinions, which is rather rude Cheylord

    oh my god it's like you people don't understand rape is a crime. you're literally saying you like seeing other people get stripped of their human rights and forced into sexual situations they did not agree to. this is a real life problem that should not be belittled into some kink. you like rough play then get into consensual bdsm, rape is not consensual and should not be celebrated as such. you might not think fiction influences you but it does. and it influences everyone else who reads these kinds of things and accept it as ok. there's a very thin line between fiction and non fiction.

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 4:55 pm
    oh my god it's like you people don't understand rape is a crime. you're literally saying you like seeing other people get stripped of their human rights and forced into sexual situations they did not agree to. ... gigolette

    You're really be too literal all about this. Why can't we just enjoy something because it's fictional. Just because i may enjoy a scene that does include rape does not mean I condone it in real life. In fact that really disgusts me, but you wanna be all smart and say some shit like there has been research done but you're really just judging people. I don't care what research has been done or shows, but I know what I feel and I'm not gonna take some crap from people like you who can't separate two different worlds. If you don't like rape in fiction or whatever then keep it to yourself. Don't try to tell someone that there's something wrong with them for liking something that happens in a FAKE story. Sure some of these things can happen in real life, but that can be said for just about anything that happens in fictional stories. As a matter of fact there has been true stories about people falling in love with their rapists. I actually found that kind of disturbing, but hey shit happens. Do you see other people judging the authors and fans for wanting to read or write them? Not really. You act as if we don't understand that rape is real life issue and we don't understand the seriousness of it. Nobody said that they were defending rape. I'm inclined to think that you don't know how to separate what's real and what isn't. You don't know how to accept people for all the weird and messed up person that they are. So just fuck off and don't read yaoi or manga that has rape in it because I'm sorry to tell you but there are some good stories that happen to include rape scenes. And if you don't like rape scenes in yaoi, why are you reading this manga in the first place? Why do you keep coming back? But you know what, it doesn't matter what I say because you're just gonna say something along the lines of me being a sick bastard and that I'm stupid or some shit. But don't bother to reply because I'm not gonna waste anymore time reading anymore responses.

    Lolopopo March 11, 2017 5:39 pm
    fictional is not an excuse. if a guy boldly proclaimed he liked to read stories about girls getting raped he'd be rightfully shamed because fictional or not it tells something about your own character. i rly wa... gigolette

    Umm I don't mind rape in yaoi when uke doesn't mind much but I know where to draw lines in real life and what are the circumstances of rape in real life .Every one know no body will be happy or will enjoy rape in real life it is fiction that's why some people don't mind it .But that doesn't mean their character will take a turn and they will became one I don't know you meant it like that or not but when you are saying" if a guy boldly proclaimed he liked to read stories about girls getting raped he'd be rightfully shamed because fictional or not it tells something about your own character."it's like you are questioning many people who like this manga and many other people have different taste and there are many different genre that people like to read some of them are dark doesn't mean they will became like that .When you are commenting about something please think before you speak before questioning many people

    Lolopopo March 11, 2017 5:46 pm
    if the person is not up for it at the very beginning, it's already rape. you aren't really comparing reading about two guys loving each other to rape. if someone finds me weird for reading about gay people id b... gigolette

    You like to judge fiction and Real life it's okay do it your choice but there are people to who watch things just for fun but also know if it is good in real life or not .And yeah there is thing called fictional yeah for you it's not but to us it is and we know and no one fantasize about ohh yeah he raped it him so I am gonna do it too .People are not that dumb they know about themselves.

    V March 11, 2017 5:48 pm
    fictional is not an excuse. if a guy boldly proclaimed he liked to read stories about girls getting raped he'd be rightfully shamed because fictional or not it tells something about your own character. i rly wa... gigolette

    Your scenario speaks for the one who is making the judgement. People shouldn't judge people based on their palate of preferred genre in fiction.

    Lolopopo March 11, 2017 5:51 pm
    it's literally psychology. people aren't as smart as they think they are. by allowing something in the fictional realm, you ARE slowly desensitizing yourself in reality. there are studies to show this and the f... gigolette

    Wooww now you are blaming we are contributing to rape culture but are not able to see what people are telling you again and again that We know what rape is and what are its circumstances go see kokoro o korosu we know in that manga how rape can be devastating because it shows realistic portrayl of rape .No one says there that it's good and they like to see the brothers together because people know what and why they are watching things and I am and adult who know what to watch when to watch and when to stop .

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 5:52 pm
    if the person is not up for it at the very beginning, it's already rape. you aren't really comparing reading about two guys loving each other to rape. if someone finds me weird for reading about gay people id b... gigolette

    Well, if that's how you stereotype in real life, I guess there's no helping it.

    // March 11, 2017 5:57 pm
    oh my god it's like you people don't understand rape is a crime. you're literally saying you like seeing other people get stripped of their human rights and forced into sexual situations they did not agree to. ... gigolette

    But there's a line nonetheless. Other people have the neurological capacity to make distinction of reality from fantasy. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ people are enititled to enjoy what they enjoy. Just because they find enjoyment on a specific genre, or an action made by the characters in a series doesnt necessarily mean that they support such actions or advocate such actions. You don't need to tell everyone that rape is a crime. They are aware it is. But remember the line of fiction and reality and all will be well.

    Lolopopo March 11, 2017 5:57 pm
    oh my god it's like you people don't understand rape is a crime. you're literally saying you like seeing other people get stripped of their human rights and forced into sexual situations they did not agree to. ... gigolette

    Ugh and why don't you understand we know how much serious is rape .But we also know what is fictional and what is real maybe you don't but we do we know it's a real life problem there are different genre and different stories made for different people for their taste no one likes when the rape is portrayed in serious way but in manga like these we also know rape became love we know in real life it's not good there are people who know the thin line between fiction and nonfiction fiction and we stay it that way .

    Cheylord March 11, 2017 8:48 pm

    if what happens in fiction affects our minds (like you claim), then youre saying there should be absolutely no negative things in any fiction ever. no death, no guilty pleasures, nothing but things that wont "affect us nadly in real life". you just denounced almost every story there is out there as harmful.

    gigolette March 11, 2017 10:55 pm
    if what happens in fiction affects our minds (like you claim), then youre saying there should be absolutely no negative things in any fiction ever. no death, no guilty pleasures, nothing but things that wont "a... Cheylord

    there's a difference between just writing about negative things and portraying them as something positive. you want to write a story about rape? sure but make sure to not just include the steamy "hot" sex, make sure to include the psychological damage to he victim afterwards, the sick and twisted mindset of the rapist, and all the other aspects. to pick and choose what parts of a real life issue you want to fictionalize and completely act like the other parts aren't important is disgusting. i am not going to reply to all of you guys because your all saying the same thing. like i said you want thrilling sex scenes invest in consensual bdsm, there is no reason we as a world that is trying to move into a more SAFER environment should be desensitizing ourselves to the horrors of rape just because the artist drew them pretty and they end ~happily ever after.~ if you don't agree with me move along, im tired of this repertoire.