Why nobody hatin?

Purky August 5, 2024 9:10 pm

I dont get the romance in this story. How can yall ship them when they are uncle and nephew??
Yall tweaking, but ignoring the incest in this relationship (which SHOULD be hard, you little freaks. ) seth obviously doesn't love horus. Shit, i dont think he even LIKES him.
Seth shows no interest in him or ANY man really. I dont think there was any chapter of him liking any dude (correct me if i am wrong)

Speaking of seth, yall srsly need to stop babying him. Bro killed women for a living??? Like what the heck? He literally ate human flesh, and killed thousands (if not millions) of people. And after all of that i see some people around here calling him pookie, like WHAT

And btw what the hell is horus's deal? All i know about him is that he is a birb boy and that he has a crush on his uncle. Is that his whole personality trait or am i missing something?

And can we PLEASE talk about the random rape scenes that are SO unnecessary???
The author just dropped a side (?) which is just filled with fetishy rape shit that adds NOTHING to the plot. Not to mention the scene with the forgein god (walmart jesus), i seize to understand the importance of that whole slave thing? Was it all just for gags? So the jesus guy can tease seth?? Thats so stupid

But after all the hatting i am still here for the plot. Its actually a decent story (disregarding all the forced romance and blatant rape) the author could make something of this if she didn't just fan service her way through it.

    dudewhatlmao August 6, 2024 12:54 am

    1) everybody is related because they're gods. their dna does not work like human beings (if they even have dna) and incest is simply not an issue for them due to the nature of their existence. if the author makes them unrelated, their entire origin would have to change and they would no longer be the gods we've known for thousands of years. i suggest you stay away from any and all god pantheons in history if you're gonna apply human rules to them and judge others for enjoying them as they are.

    2) you're obviously new here bc people hate on this bl all. the. time. people fight over the plot and seth and all the rape stuff all the time. it only died down as of late bc the recent chapters are not so controversial.

    3) people like seth bc people like villains and complex characters. why are shows like hannibal and house md so popular when the main characters are unethical and unlikeable if we see them irl? bc they're interesting, their personalities are compelling, and i assume we're all grown enough here to be able to feel complicated emotions for characters, but i can be wrong. seth is compelling. he's interesting. he's so traumatized that he ends up traumatizing generations of people, and that's the point the author wants to get at. that hurt people hurt people, and without a good support system and opportunities for recovery/rehabilitation, mere humans alone can deal a great amount of damage to society, let alone immortal powerful gods. people want to see him redeem himself, and he is at the moment. he shows that he's not a total monster and is capable of change and growth, and people like that. very simple.

    3) horus is the archetypal lovesick younger seme who breaks through the walls of a jaded older uke, a trope many people love.

    4) regarding the rape scenes: they serve a purpose at first, but devolve to fanservice afterward. the one with osiris is seth's villain origin story. the one with horus serves as the author's version of the lettuce story, and to show how all the violence and defensiveness never truly protected seth from the trauma of being betrayed and violated by multiple loved ones. after seth's punishment starts, the 1st gangbang is meant to be "eye for an eye" and forces seth to feel the visceral collective terror of women under his rule. but other than that, the remaining scenes are unnecessary.

    i agree with your complaints about the rape scenes and the author's lacking writing skills, but otherwise i think you're still too black and white in your thinking when reading a work focusing on morally grey characters. i suggest finding something else to read for your own peace of mind.

    Purky August 6, 2024 1:44 pm
    1) everybody is related because they're gods. their dna does not work like human beings (if they even have dna) and incest is simply not an issue for them due to the nature of their existence. if the author mak... dudewhatlmao

    1) i love myths (greek myths especially) and normally i dont care about the incest part of it, cuz like you said; "they're gods and their DNA works differently than humans"
    What i am complaining about here is how people find it so easy to ship them and so unapologetically too
    What i am saying is that; when i am reading/watching something in greek mythology i dont go and ship zeus with one of his nieces cuz bonds like this EXIST in the real world and it is generally very icky and weird to just ship them???

    2) i like seth too, he is a very interesting character and i agree with you on that ofc.
    its just how people are babying him in the comments.
    Calling him a cutie patotie and shit. I mean people can do and say WHATEVER they want but i also have the right to judge them.

    3) thats what i am talking about. The author ruined this story by fan servicing its way into the story. Forgetting to give horus ANY personality and just calling him the "younger lovesick seme" without anything else.

    4) i like the idea of that, BUT it still seems very unnecessary to portray it in such grand detail and in a fetish-y kind of way.
    Its Like the author couldnt wait to draw these panels.
    Its very insensitive and VERY unnecessary imo

    dudewhatlmao August 6, 2024 10:49 pm
    1) i love myths (greek myths especially) and normally i dont care about the incest part of it, cuz like you said; "they're gods and their DNA works differently than humans" What i am complaining about here is h... Purky

    1) how else is anyone supposed to enjoy a very much romance and sex-centered bl when they can't ship the characters, who are MEANT to be shippable? I've seen way too many shitty rewrites of and poetry about hades and persephone to care at this point. and these bonds do not exist in the real world because people in the real world do not practice incest like gods do. me liking horuseth does not keep me from recoiling in disgust whenever i hear about predatory uncles or touchy cousins in real life, because i know where to draw the line between fiction and real life and my moral compass isn't influenced by pixels on the screen. kill the cop in your head and just enjoy things.

    2) people calling him a little meow meow does not mean they're incapable of dissecting his character and disapprove his actions. chances are they already did and you just didn't scroll back hard enough to see their comments and arguments. hating on the mc of a bl you love gets tiring yk, and again people like villains. people think villains are hot, and babying grown men is the internet's favorite pastime. it's all in good fun.

    3) i agree.

    4) i wager the author does have a kink for it and the rape scenes beyond the first few are purely self-indulgent. i personally don't object against them on principle (the principle being that authors can do what they want), but writing wise, i agree that they're excessive and insensitive when the plot focuses on the effects of rape and lack of autonomy. at this point whenever i see a man get too close to seth i just skip lmao

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 12:05 am
    1) i love myths (greek myths especially) and normally i dont care about the incest part of it, cuz like you said; "they're gods and their DNA works differently than humans" What i am complaining about here is h... Purky

    So I’d like to first comment on the things I agree on with you. Bare with me for this is long.

    SA scenes, very excessive. I understand the ones in in season 1 because they are relevant. It’s horrible, but still relevant. I wish the author didn’t show chapter 94, 122-23. They could have implied it and not drawn it. Because in my mind for someone to sit there and draw all of these panels.. I start to wonder what’s going on in their head. The whole Jesus looking character doesn’t make sense to me either, I’m still trying to find what tf is his roll in all of this… but I’ll come back to that in a second. Going along the lines of the SA scene he caused, I didn’t understand because he even said, “why would they humiliate him like that?” Yet, he humiliates Seth by calling him his slave and even raping him. It’s super fucked up, I hate him so much!

    So, if we think about it further because I’ve really been pondering about this, humiliating Seth and making him dip to the lowest of low is perhaps the rightful judgment, I hate seeing it drawn out though, and we have to remember that this is about his growth and atonement. Seth doesn’t trust anyone, rightfully so, but every time he ran away or tried to do thing on his own, he got hurt and abused. Unlike when he was with Horus, he was safe from fucked up people.

    Horus is like a rock, he’s stable and not necessarily traumatized, and the bit he does from starvation and seeing women and children get hurt, but he has moved on from that and has healed. He refuses to forget about Seth and willingly gives up being a god just so he can remember Seth, his idol whom he saw the goodness deep within Seth. He saw the true Seth underneath his awful mistakes. And so, because Horus is like a rock —a solid foundation — he is able to help and be there for Seth as he atones. Unlike Orisis, who wants to keep Seth locked up in duat all for himself, Horus allows Seth to have freedom and sustains Seth by keeping him afloat, just like that one scene where Seth had to fight against the first caravan. He also wants Seth to be safe. Horus is not perfect though, he may allow Seth his freedom in allowing him to atone, but his “flaw” is that he wants to be number one in Seth’s heart, he’s jealous of Anubis, and he’s stubborn. It all may be because he’s spoiled and has gotten almost everything he’s wanted. But his stubbornness is the reason he’s slowly making his way into Seth’s heart.

    I know you said he doesn’t have a full character, but I think he’s a very good supporting character. Because without him, Seth would be in danger and make no progress. Seth has to learn to not do things alone; he doesn’t want to appear weak; he doesn’t want to be betrayed, forgotten, and looked down on. His fears make him stubborn and emotionally impulsive. But as time goes on, he’s gonna have to learn that it’s okay to be weaker, its okay to be forgotten by some… because he has Horus by his side who’s there to remind him often that he is a good and wonderful person deep inside. Seth is NOT a pushover, right? And Horus, sometimes is overly protective, like the second caravan moment. Horus didn’t want Seth to do it alone, but Seth was like, “you’re looking at the god of war. Let’s go!” I was so hyped!

    So all in all, we see Horus have strengths and weaknesses —flaws, which makes him a good character. I do think he needs more development, but I think right now we are finding his strengths and weaknesses slowly and perhaps later the author is going to add development.

    My theory for future, Horus won’t tell Seth about the mirror and that Nephyths is in there, and perhaps its because it reminds him of how he abused Seth because of it. Seth will feel betrayed, he will push Horus away and succeed because Horus will feel very guilty. Orisis will show up again, and perhaps hurt Seth. But Isis will hopefully show up, heal him, and apologize. Horus will show up and let go of his jealousy and work with Anubis to hold off Orisis, while Seth is being healed.
    Nephyths will finally free herself from the mirror by letting go of the turmoil and guilt she’s lived with for centuries, and bring peace to those souls in the cursed bracelet… finally it’ll break because they have peace now, and Seth will become and even more powerful God and finally kick ass while his family backs him up. He no longer has to do things alone.

    This is a fantastic story, I’m so excited to read more! I hope my schpeal made you be more open minded about Horus.

    Purky August 7, 2024 12:30 am
    So I’d like to first comment on the things I agree on with you. Bare with me for this is long. SA scenes, very excessive. I understand the ones in in season 1 because they are relevant. It’s horrible, but s... Mwahaminimi

    Dude this is EXACTLY why i like this story, you summed it up so perfectly.
    I agree with everything you said. I like horus as the supporting character seth needs to keep going through, and tho i still believe horus is a a ((somewhat)) bland character who needs more personality, i dont think he its right to pair him up with seth. It just feels forced.
    And i agree with you on the humiliation bit, YES. We understand that seth is atoning for his sins but does the author really need to show it all in grand fetish-y detail? No she doesnt. It feels sexualized and not needed, especially the jesus guy part of the story.
    Its not wrong to show shit like this in the purpose of the story ofcourse but the author is so painfully obvious about her fetishes it sucks.
    Like especially that weird alternative story where horus has seth tied and shit, like that was insanely unneeded.

    And btw; Is it only me or is seth just not into men at all?? I dont think ive seen one positive ((gay)) interaction with any man he met?

    And btw thank you for replying, and appreciate the long reply. It was fun reading it all.

    Purky August 7, 2024 12:38 am
    1) how else is anyone supposed to enjoy a very much romance and sex-centered bl when they can't ship the characters, who are MEANT to be shippable? I've seen way too many shitty rewrites of and poetry about had... dudewhatlmao

    1) i cant really get that mentality tbh, but thats okay. You can ship whoever you want, its your life and youre free to ship an imaginary uncle and nephew. But saying "kill the cop in your head and just enjoy things." Over incest Is crazyyy

    2) tbh. Yes. I do that too. But it just gets annoying, since it comes off as fetishizing a gay person who is a bottom.
    But you saying "babying grown men is the internet favourite pastime" kinda won me over ngl

    3) ikr??? Dude needs a personality asap.

    4)she so does. Did you see the alternative story where horus is king and has seth tied up? Shit was so fucked up it got me skipping pages.

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 4:33 am
    Dude this is EXACTLY why i like this story, you summed it up so perfectly.I agree with everything you said. I like horus as the supporting character seth needs to keep going through, and tho i still believe hor... Purky

    Hahaha I’m glad you liked my reply. It took me a long time to write it xD

    I’m sure he will get a further character arc, I truly like Horus, he’s pretty adorable guy with a young and impulsive personality. I do think he is missing a very thin layer to make his character! I just know its coming. I do remember the author during the author note at the end of S1 that she was going to make Horus toxic AF, and not love Seth at first but after the mirror incident become obsessed due to lust. That’s why she made that stupid AU extras. So with that said it appears that they modified the story before his character, and so they had to kinda make him fit somehow. But I don’t think they did a bad job because he’s, in the end, essential and vital to the story.

    Is there relationship force…? Mm no but I can also see the story working even if it being a non romantic relationship as well. It could be like idol to fan type relationship. At least right now. After 143,144,145 though, I think the romance was essential because it showed just how much Horus loves him.

    Does Seth not appear gay? I think if anything, he could be bi, but i think his negative interactions with other men have definitely ruined everything. And plus, he’s too focused on other things to worry about anything romantic. I think its just the plot. Perhaps the author took some of those scenes or moments out that make Seth more inclined towards that, but again, men aside from MC, ML, Anubis, and the other god that saved Anubis, are fucking pieces of shit.

    Fetishizing part… mmm nah, I don’t think the author is fetishizing, maybe the extras yes, but not the other scenes. I think its mostly the author not being phased by torturing their character that way and being okay with drawing and writing about it. I know the Danmei author called Meatbun, is someone who fetishizes rape and soooo many people love her writing. I like her writing but not her smut scenes. They’re too much.
    Anyways….Again, I also didn’t find that last gang abuse and moment with the Jesus looking guy any relevant besides just humiliating him and sinking down to the lowest pit. It literally brought almost nothing to the plot except sinking him and making the reader realize even more that Seth shouldn’t be doing things alone without Horus.

    Other than these small points, I fucking love this story! I rate it a 9/10 or a 4.7/5 for sure.
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ(⌒▽⌒) Absolutely one of my favorite BL!

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 4:34 am
    Hahaha I’m glad you liked my reply. It took me a long time to write it xD I’m sure he will get a further character arc, I truly like Horus, he’s pretty adorable guy with a young and impulsive personality.... Mwahaminimi

    To make his character perfect*
    Horus is the simpy-est of simpy-est! XD he’s so cute!(≧∀≦)

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 4:39 am
    1) i cant really get that mentality tbh, but thats okay. You can ship whoever you want, its your life and youre free to ship an imaginary uncle and nephew. But saying "kill the cop in your head and just enjoy t... Purky

    I said this on twitter where, in no other story or setting would any fans think the whole incest thing okay. This is just an exception because they’re gods. It’s already set in stone and mythological history that they HAD incest within their god family. This is just an AU based on the mythology. Its not to be taken serious. That’s why it doesn’t bother me, personally.

    Lol! Babying grown men… especially fictional 2D men… yes. One of my favorite pass times. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    dudewhatlmao August 7, 2024 11:03 am
    1) i cant really get that mentality tbh, but thats okay. You can ship whoever you want, its your life and youre free to ship an imaginary uncle and nephew. But saying "kill the cop in your head and just enjoy t... Purky

    1) i mean. if you don't like the incest, which is a very important and integral part to the story and the whole thing would have to be changed if there's no incest, then you don't have to read it. i like the incest here essentially because of that. what am i supposed to do when i read a mafia plot or a demons in hell part? am i supposed to question the author WHY they included killing and torturing and guns and knives and corpses? it's a mafia/demons in hell plot. all those things are a given, and i need to accept that to properly enjoy the plot as it is. same thing's happening here. so yes, if i can kill the cop in my head to be able to read plots centered around killing and gore and immoral life decisions, then i can do that for culturally accepted and biologically inconsequential incest too.

    2) it's not fetishizing a gay man who's a bottom when people do that to tops and straight men as well. people will do that when there's a well-developed and widely beloved character, and seth is that character in this case. I've seen it many, many times over the years of reading on this site and being on social media.

    4) meh i like that one. it shows a side to horus that i haven't seen and i'm curious to see how seth would escape and properly atone for his sins if the author continued with that ending, since being locked away in the king's chambers isn't sustainable and he'd surely be discovered by isis probably. i also like cnc and the chapter isn't too bad if i imagine it as a very well plotted scene between a dom and sub.

    Purky August 7, 2024 12:05 pm
    1) i mean. if you don't like the incest, which is a very important and integral part to the story and the whole thing would have to be changed if there's no incest, then you don't have to read it. i like the in... dudewhatlmao

    1) again, i read greek mythology which is filled with incest. And duh? Ofcourse i dont like incest, tf is this question? But what i am saying is; that shipping is weird af considering both their relation.

    2) you have no idea, it happens more to men who are "ukes" than you think it does. And its becomes borderline homophobic at times.


    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 4:03 pm
    1) again, i read greek mythology which is filled with incest. And duh? Ofcourse i dont like incest, tf is this question? But what i am saying is; that shipping is weird af considering both their relation.2) you... Purky

    It's an AU though, Seth in eqyptian mythology is Bisexual. I found a quote:

    "Set sexually abuses Horus. Set's violation is partly meant to degrade his rival, but it also involves homosexual desire, in keeping with one of Set's major characteristics, his forceful, potent, and indiscriminate sexuality." furthermore, "In the earliest account of this episode, in a fragmentary Middle Kingdom papyrus, the sexual encounter begins when Set asks to have sex with Horus when they were sharing a tent, who agrees on the condition that Set will give Horus some of his strength.[27] The encounter puts Horus in danger, because in Egyptian tradition semen is a potent and dangerous substance, akin to poison. According to some texts, Set's semen enters Horus's body and makes him ill, but in "Contendings", Horus thwarts Set by catching Set's semen in his hands.

    "Isis retaliates by putting Horus's semen on lettuce-leaves that Set eats. Set's defeat becomes apparent when this semen appears on his forehead as a golden disk when called out by thoth. He has been impregnated with his rival's seed and as a result "gives birth" to the disk. In "Contendings", Thoth takes the disk and places it on his own head; in earlier accounts, it is Thoth who is produced by this anomalous birth.[28]"

    Sooooo shipping them is NOT a weird thing since it's happened I'm ancient text. If you wanna look more into it, go to Wikipedia or here's a link to another source:


    dudewhatlmao August 7, 2024 4:32 pm
    1) again, i read greek mythology which is filled with incest. And duh? Ofcourse i dont like incest, tf is this question? But what i am saying is; that shipping is weird af considering both their relation.2) you... Purky

    1) i think you care way too much about inconsequential things. shipping incestuous relationships in fiction does not equate to real life approval of incest. you can't draw the line between the two and that's why you find it weird. work on that.

    2) most bl's are from the bottom's pov, and therefore people will like the bottom more, thus babying them. you want to know who has been victimized the most by internet babying? pedro pascal, to the point where he's weirded out by it, and he's not one of the cute little bottoms that people apparently fetishize. stop equating what people say about fictional characters to their real life values. it's not sustainable, and you're turning harmless fun into a moral debate every time something doesn't go the way you think it should.


    Purky August 7, 2024 5:57 pm
    It's an AU though, Seth in eqyptian mythology is Bisexual. I found a quote:"Set sexually abuses Horus. Set's violation is partly meant to degrade his rival, but it also involves homosexual desire, in keeping wi... Mwahaminimi

    JESUS. thats fucked up, imma read it. My ancestors were crazy
    Bro had a pimple baby.

    But srsly tho, how is shipping them okay when me and you both read that seth sexually abused him constantly

    Purky August 7, 2024 6:00 pm
    1) i think you care way too much about inconsequential things. shipping incestuous relationships in fiction does not equate to real life approval of incest. you can't draw the line between the two and that's wh... dudewhatlmao

    1) i feel like i am getting scolded for not liking incest in fiction??? Girl bffr

    2) i am really just complaining like everyone does when they see a piece of fiction dude. Youre blowing this WAY out of proportion and making a big deal out of my opinion as if its wrong and youre solely right.
    It doesn't work like that dude. Remember; people have opinions and they might be different than yours but its still an opinion and you should ATLEAST respect it.
    I think YOU should work on THAT, not on accepting shipping incest in fiction :)

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 7:30 pm
    JESUS. thats fucked up, imma read it. My ancestors were crazy Bro had a pimple baby.But srsly tho, how is shipping them okay when me and you both read that seth sexually abused him constantly Purky

    It's an AU. It's not to be taken seriously. Trust me. I don't like incest too.
    This is just a story based on other stories that were similar in myth history. So I'm not nitpicking on it, regardless if it's fiction.

    This is the only exception where incest is okay. All others I definitely steer far away from. Personally, I think you're thinking too much, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

    Its okay to like this story and not like incest in others.

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 7:33 pm

    It's okay to ship them because it's not real. They're mythological beings that don't exist. It's just a story. Readers don't associate it with real life nor are readers okay with incest in real life.
    Just like the people who came up with these gods, this author is just using those ideas to make a story out of an already existing one. I don't read to much into it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Purky August 7, 2024 8:31 pm
    It's okay to ship them because it's not real. They're mythological beings that don't exist. It's just a story. Readers don't associate it with real life nor are readers okay with incest in real life.Just like t... Mwahaminimi

    Fair enough :D

    Mwahaminimi August 7, 2024 10:08 pm
    Fair enough :D Purky

    Reading Miscreants and Mayhem as well as the Danmei called Stars of Chaos were like... Borderline for me. That's as far as I go before I become very uncomfortable. Lol
    But no this one lol