fr. she is being a bystander, understandable, but the way she is thinking just ticks me off. She acts like she is the good person in the story with her way of thinking but just isn't. too wishy-washy, and the fact she didn't even care about other characters just means she doesn't see them as real people. or is original like that, if that is the case, she has no rights to judge Mc. ( ̄∇ ̄")
FLAME, girl. wtf, it isn't like he couldn't find out another way. How is this like proof anything? also, what if MC didn't remember the details? no normal person would remember everything in a story. it's even weirder that most MC or even u remember it if it isn't the main plot or something that can stick in your head.
this basically proof nothing. And with the high chance mc would find out from another way or already knows. I just don't like how she is going with this cuz she is the anomaly too. if she has been transmigrated, how is it weird and wrong for another transmigrated person. well, if she is just trying to find out, as long as she didn't hurt someone than I wouldn't have care. Hopefully so. She change her mind so much idk how to feel about her.