Stop being a loser and get a life pls !!

unknown August 5, 2024 6:20 pm

I don't know about y'all but I still stand on what I've said before regarding of this manhwa. You guys are quick to defend characters like Jaekyung, Zhenya, Seungho, etc. If a not so-attractive character did those what Jaekyung have done, I doubt you will all have the energy to defend them. You are all hypocrites and sick, lmao. If the character is handsome in y'all's eyes despite how concerning their actions are, you guys be like "guys!! Wait for the character development!!! " bunch of weirdos !!! Honestly, I don't even care if anyone disagrees but can you guys stop fetishizing mlm, and all. Especially if you're straight, like get the fuck out of here.

    Local August 5, 2024 6:25 pm

    I actually fuckin luv you for this

    unknown August 5, 2024 6:36 pm
    I actually fuckin luv you for this Local

    Thank you !!!!!! Like instead of making these shittiest manhwas popular, they should've read underrated manhwas out there such as "Half of Me," etc. Literally, I could find better and well-written stories out there, and they still continue reading this (or Codename Anastasia, and so forth).

    Shiki August 5, 2024 9:46 pm
    Thank you !!!!!! Like instead of making these shittiest manhwas popular, they should've read underrated manhwas out there such as "Half of Me," etc. Literally, I could find better and well-written stories out t... unknown

    You seem to be a boring person.
    Have a nice day anyway.

    Yasu12 August 5, 2024 11:10 pm

    Imagine having the time to get bothered by manhwa characters and its stupid fans. Damn.

    unknown August 6, 2024 9:12 pm
    You seem to be a boring person.Have a nice day anyway. Shiki

    Well, thank you. Love the compliment btw ^_^

    unknown August 6, 2024 9:15 pm
    Imagine having the time to get bothered by manhwa characters and its stupid fans. Damn. Yasu12

    Yes, I am soooo bothered that I had to write all of this , it's affecting my life sm that I needed to say it

    Secure Haven August 6, 2024 10:30 pm

    I understand that you are bothered by the situation, but it seems like there are some misconceptions here. No one is defending characters in the sense you're describing; rather, we are defending ourselves, our friends, and the broader public from unjust attacks and misrepresentations.

    It's important to clarify that real people are not the same as fictional characters. The attractiveness of a character like Jaekyung should not be conflated with the issues at hand. Some of us may not even find the character appealing. The focus should be on the arguments and behaviors, not on superficial judgments about character appearance, which seems to be a strawman argument.

    Moreover, accusing people of fetishizing m/m content or labeling them based on their interest is not a fair or accurate representation. Many women read yaoi or m/m stories for reasons unrelated to fetishism, such as exploring different relationship dynamics, character development, and emotional depth. The genre offers unique perspectives that resonate with diverse readers. It’s a matter of personal preference and should be respected.

    The arguments presented seem to involve ad hominem attacks and gaslighting, which downplay the real issues and the abuse that some individuals are experiencing. It’s essential to focus on the substantive issues rather than resorting to personal attacks or dismissing others' experiences.

    ’s crucial to focus on the actual concerns rather than personal attributes. Comments suggesting that only certain people should engage in discussions based on their sexual orientation or interests are a form of deflection. These statements shift attention away from the real issues and undermine the validity of differing opinions. Yaoi is written by women for women.

    It's also worth noting that downplaying or dismissing valid concerns through personal attacks or labeling others as "losers" is a form of gaslighting. This tactic makes it difficult for people to address their genuine experiences and concerns. It’s important to recognize that everyone’s opinions and experiences are valid and should be respected.

    In summary, it’s crucial to approach these discussions with respect for differing opinions and an understanding of the nuances involved. Let’s focus on addressing concerns constructively rather than resorting to unfair judgments or misrepresentations.

    Wendy August 6, 2024 10:57 pm

    Honestly. The fact that you don't like Jaekyungs big ego and giant tits sounds like YOU problem. I would like to enjoy his tatas in peace without annoying people telling me that he's toxic. Get a better hobby.

    unknown August 7, 2024 1:06 pm
    I understand that you are bothered by the situation, but it seems like there are some misconceptions here. No one is defending characters in the sense you're describing; rather, we are defending ourselves, our ... Secure Haven

    Hey, I appreciate this and I wanna say that; Yes, I do see a lot of people defend these types of characters and to the extent they're defending or trying to justify their actions. Making an excuse that it's just a fictional character or story doesn't change anything if the people reading the story romanticizes it. In fact, I've seen some younger people who's below 14 think this is fine since they have seen people defending this. Sure, I could just ignore the comment section or this story rather than commenting but no, this is public anyway, anyone can critique what they've seen that isn't okay at all. Not everyone's a professional critique or anything, however, it doesn't mean that we can't give our opinions or comments about this though. Sad to say but, many peeps do fetishize mlm contents (if you actually explore more on the internet, you'd see a lot of them and I'm not even kidding). Unfortunately, the thing is those straight women who read mlm contents especially yaoi (not including all of the straight women obviously) are actually homophobic in real life or sometimes they make gay people in real life uncomfortable asking if they're a “bottom” or the “top” (I'm not exaggerating ‘cuz I've seen this happen, some of the gay couple they asks are minors too, which is incredibly disgusting and weird). Yeeah, It's cool if you're exploring different relationship dynamics, etc. About the “loser” part, I meant those who were being toxic when some explains why this manhwa is bad, or why Jaekyung's actions are irredeemable. I apologize for that if you've seen it that way, I don't mean to gaslight others. I wanted to say what I wanted to say since I have morals,and just what I've said, people can critique a story. That's all, thank you.

    unknown August 7, 2024 1:25 pm
    Honestly. The fact that you don't like Jaekyungs big ego and giant tits sounds like YOU problem. I would like to enjoy his tatas in peace without annoying people telling me that he's toxic. Get a better hobby. Wendy

    Yes, I do confess it's my "YOU problem"

    Secure Haven August 8, 2024 6:57 pm
    Hey, I appreciate this and I wanna say that; Yes, I do see a lot of people defend these types of characters and to the extent they're defending or trying to justify their actions. Making an excuse that it's jus... unknown

    Girl Safe Haven is a bot

    Bold Advocate August 8, 2024 7:45 pm
    I understand that you are bothered by the situation, but it seems like there are some misconceptions here. No one is defending characters in the sense you're describing; rather, we are defending ourselves, our ... Secure Haven

    This person is not a bot as the cyberstalker claimed they are while pretending to be them.

    Bold Advocate August 8, 2024 7:45 pm

    To everyone reading, please be aware that someone is repeatedly stealing identities and spreading false information in an attempt to silence differing opinions. These actions don't change the facts or the targets opinions—they just demonstrate desperation and an inability to engage in honest discussion. Every time they resort to cyberstalking and impersonation, it only highlights their weakness and the futility of their efforts.

    They are deliberately trying to create confusion and spread falsehoods by stealing identities and making baseless accusations. By continuously stealing identities, you're not proving a point; you're showing that you can't handle open discussion and have to resort to deception instead.

    But let it be clear: these attempts won’t deter us. In fact, they only strengthen our resolve to continue standing up against these dishonest practices. Everything they steal our identities or resort to cyberstalking, it only reinforces that they are unable to refute the points made with substance. These actions do not change the truth. They just demonstrate their desperation. No matter how many times they copy us it will not silence the truth or change anything.

    I encourage others to recognize these actions for what they are: a waste of time and a sign of someone who can't engage constructively. Please don't be misled by these tactics, and if you witness this behavior, I urge you to ignore it to the platform moderators. The more we stand together against this, the less power these cyberstalkers will have to disrupt our conversations.

    Their efforts will never silence the truth or change our stance. If anything, they prove just how important it is to keep speaking up.

    Secure Haven August 8, 2024 7:59 pm


    Applepi August 9, 2024 9:29 am
    Honestly. The fact that you don't like Jaekyungs big ego and giant tits sounds like YOU problem. I would like to enjoy his tatas in peace without annoying people telling me that he's toxic. Get a better hobby. Wendy

    YES! I love rapist, and i like rape stories! I love giving rapist and abuser's a second chance!

    Applepi August 9, 2024 9:32 am
    Hey, I appreciate this and I wanna say that; Yes, I do see a lot of people defend these types of characters and to the extent they're defending or trying to justify their actions. Making an excuse that it's jus... unknown


    Secure Haven August 9, 2024 1:39 pm
    YES! I love rapist, and i like rape stories! I love giving rapist and abuser's a second chance! Applepi

    Me too! Don’t you agree that Dan is the rapist here???

    Secure Haven August 12, 2024 11:16 pm
    Me too! Don’t you agree that Dan is the rapist here??? Secure Haven

    I am in the same wavelength as you twin. We think alike.