So.... My rant review!

Mwahaminimi August 6, 2024 3:38 am

After reading from start to finish in day, I finally completed/caught up to the latest update (163.) And let me tell you, I had a roller-coaster of emotions the passed day... I was shocked, horrified, mortified, felt dispair, was livid/filled with rage, cried my eyes out, laughed... The angst killed me. Now my rating and thoughts. 9/10 or 4.7/5

I... I love this story, but I believe the SA scenes, especially the gang ones... Overkill. I understand that Seth did some fucked up shit. He's traumatized and he chose to do some bad shit, and now it's come to bite him in the ass. But why did the author chose to show us the extras chapters, and chapters 94, 121, 122, 123?
She could have done it where she showed ch 95, where things are implied and you have the anguish there... But why go through the explicit drawing?? Like how can artist sit there for hours and draw these excruciatingly painful scenes?? Like... Why make your readers feel this?

I don't understand why the overkill on this stuff. That was unnecessary because chapters 121-23 brought nothing to the plot, except just pain and anguish.

Aside from these chapters, I couldn't put it down. The characters are so complex and full of such incredible and painful layers, and I love seeing how these layers really affect their actions and emotions.

Isis, as much as I don't like the choices she made, I really find her redeemable. She just needs to let some shit go and apologize.

Orisis is the ultimate evil villian.... I fucking hate him! Gas lighting mother fucker needs to die a eternally long painful death, rowing Ra's boat for eternity, as well as experiencing all the bad things Seth had to go through because of him!

Anubis, baby, I love him. He suffers so. I hope he is set free, healed, and lives a happy life with his father Seth.

God of destruction and Ra, such great side characters for so many reasons!

Horus, this man... Gah! He's an adorable simp. He's so protective and he really really cares and loves Seth. People say it's forced, but I don't necessarily think so. I think the slow burn is exactly what we need. I still am sad it went from a kiss to an non con moment. IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! I wish to see more growth for him; a character arc. He's been a rock to Seth, someone warm and loving. It's beautiful and all, however he needs development too. I think once he confronts his mother and pretty much the rest of Egypt, he will. I hope he stays strong through it all and continues to protect Seth. But my guess, is Seth is going to become powerful enough by taking back his power after being abused by all these sons of bitches, and is finished atoning for his sins, that he will be the one protecting Horus.

Seth is probably one of THE BEST characters in the history of manhwas bl. His character is so well written! He has incredible strength and his will power is amazing! It's incrediblely sad what he's had to go through, and to think that what kept him going was his wish to be happy with Anubis. Every time he went through excruciating pain, he kept Anubis in his thoughts to help push himself through it all. I hope he gets a happy ending. I hope they live happy. I really was affected by his story. however, I love stories where it leaves the reader feeling conflicted because, we as the reader, know there has to be judgment and we can't condone bad behavior, but we hate seeing our favorite characters in pain. ☹

Author said this is gonna be a long ass story, and I guess I'm here in this roller-coaster with you all. It's gonna be a long one. (/TДT)/ Fighting!

*Let's hope that there is no more SA moments, less pain, more plot motion, and more character development!*

    Karitoriki August 11, 2024 7:49 am

    If they didn't draw those scenes explicitly we would've brushed over it and tagged it as one of those rapey BLs
    You felt every second of the assault didn't you?
    Yep that's the reason
    We're following the character every step of the way
    We have to not just see but feel whatever the character is going through like it's us in that situation
    At least that's my opinion
    You might think he doesn't deserve to be graped but I sat down and tried to make some connections
    Isis didn't just hide the women from Seth
    She hid them from the caravan men
    You can see what they did to the priestess of Isis. Now imagine what they've been doing to the women before Isis hid them
    Every single sin that is connected to Seth will come back to him
    Both the ones done by him and the ones done by the caravan, because they are his followers
    So as he killed the women over and over again, he also will be killed (that's what happens when the curse takes over him), if the women we're graped so will he, if they felt hunger so will he , if they felt despair so will he
    Because he is paying for his sins
    So no scene in this book is actually unnecessary
    Yeah... that's what I think(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Mwahaminimi August 15, 2024 8:49 am
    If they didn't draw those scenes explicitly we would've brushed over it and tagged it as one of those rapey BLsYou felt every second of the assault didn't you?Yep that's the reasonWe're following the character ... Karitoriki

    Hey! I thought I replied and realized I never pressed send. I totally get you. It is mortifying. Those scenes haunt me though, even if they weren't SUPER explicit like many stories that include gang abuse.

    I just think, personally, having it be like chapter 95, you still feel his pain. You see his agony in his eyes, but having it drawn just.... I can't unsee it and I wish I could. It was too painful. I know Seth has to atone, and we, the reader are following that atonement. And I know Seth was the one that encouraged the behavior of those caravans. He didn't do jack shit to stop it. They worshiped him because he let them do whatever they pleased with all those women.
    His pain was necessary, but having it drawn could have been more implied.

    I think it still could have had the same effect. And I think at least for 94, it was as you said. In the second occurance in chapter 121, the only reason I see it is seeing that when Seth decides to do things alone and think he's incapable of kindness by those he hurt, it only hurts him because it exasperates that curse that Osiris placed on him, that seed of doubt to be his weakness.
    Kindness is forgiveness, and I think Seth had bad consequences with the auctioneers when he decided to flee from Horus and the temple of women. Seth had to learn to be kinder to himself and realize he had to protect those women after accepting their kindness. It's a pretty deep though, I feel.
    Fucking Walmart jesus can eat shit. I fucking hate him. I know he said that Seth is atoning, but to have the gods humiliate Seth like that is cruel. Yet mfkr raped him too!

    Mwahaminimi August 15, 2024 8:51 am

    I think FG thinks being violated by a god is less humiliating than by humans.
    Still... He could have kept his hands to himself and his dick in his pants.

    The most recent chapter made me hate him less by 0.01%. Especially because he spoke up about Horus being simply worried.

    Now that Seth is not alone and has Horus by him, I know he hated being so weak, but accepting help is atoning. It humbles him. I do think Horus is going a weebit overboard, like "watch your step." like... Common, he's fine. Sure, Seth is ill with a fever, weakness, and nausea, but he CAN do some things.
    Cause even Walmart jesus was stopping him telling him, "where are you going with that injury? Think about your health." Exactly Seth! You don't want to disappear.

    Its interesting the differences because even Walmart Jesus FG was saying it's too much... Yet Horus knows Seth had to. He can run and hide, avoiding not taking on that curse. Because the curse follows.