Hanne March 11, 2017 12:30 am

Just saw a sneak peak of a possible mistranslation, Kuroda may not be a lawyer/prosecutor after all, but a Detective ... That actually makes a lot of sense!

    LadyLigeia March 11, 2017 2:01 am

    Sounds interesting, really! I would like to know what kind of detective (someone who works for the governative services, maybe?)

    Hanne March 11, 2017 2:11 am
    Sounds interesting, really! I would like to know what kind of detective (someone who works for the governative services, maybe?) LadyLigeia

    Sounded more like a Police Detective ... which would explain why he was leading the raid on the warehouse when Sudou kidnapped Akihito

    LadyLigeia March 11, 2017 2:23 am
    Sounded more like a Police Detective ... which would explain why he was leading the raid on the warehouse when Sudou kidnapped Akihito Hanne

    A high officer of the Police, maybe? For a special section like the FBI in the USA? (⊙…⊙ )

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 3:34 am

    Japanese version says prosecutor

    Anonymous March 11, 2017 3:45 am
    Japanese version says prosecutor @Anonymous

    But he does use his title to investigate for Asami. Detective doesn't have the power to arrange passports, and clean up after Asami's messes :P

    ねぇねぇ March 11, 2017 4:34 am

    "In Japan, public prosecutors kensatsu-kan (検察官?) are professional officials who have considerable powers of investigation, prosecution, superintendence of criminal execution and so on. Prosecutors can direct police for investigation purposes, and sometimes investigate directly. Only prosecutors can prosecute criminals in principle, and prosecutors can decide whether to prosecute or not. High-ranking officials of the Ministry of Justice are largely prosecutors."

    Not all jobs are exactly the same from countries to countries.

    Hanne March 11, 2017 4:36 am
    "In Japan, public prosecutors kensatsu-kan (検察官?) are professional officials who have considerable powers of investigation, prosecution, superintendence of criminal execution and so on. Prosecutors can di... ねぇねぇ

    Huh... well thanks for the info. Interesting and explains why there is a question on whether his title has been translated incorrectly! :D

    ねぇねぇ March 11, 2017 5:03 am
    Huh... well thanks for the info. Interesting and explains why there is a question on whether his title has been translated incorrectly! :D Hanne

    Ahah, well I was in a similar discussion a few months ago where people were wondering about another character's title, turned out it was just that in Japan they had different duties. So I clicked and looked it up, and bingo, it seems to be the same here xD

    I just checked out and can confirm you that the kanjis used by Akihito in Pray in Abyss 10 are 検事. Which also means public prosecutor.

    dorkgirlalamode March 11, 2017 7:55 pm

    I've been wondering is the public prosecutor is working for Asami, or if Asami was working for the public prosecutor... the seizure of the large shipment of arms could have been orchestrated to keep them out of Asami's opponent's hands. I think Asami probably left Akihiko with the guy at the temple because he knows the guy is a former bodyguard and could keep him safe for a long time and even teach him some of his skills. But I'd still like to know HOW they got out of the attack at the apartment.

    ねぇねぇ March 11, 2017 8:21 pm
    I've been wondering is the public prosecutor is working for Asami, or if Asami was working for the public prosecutor... the seizure of the large shipment of arms could have been orchestrated to keep them out of... dorkgirlalamode

    Asami knocked off the guy (if you missed that, go reread the chapters, pages were added) and we are to assume they escaped with the helicopter as we see Asami go toward Akihito and Kirishima near the helicopter.

    Then they pulled this off on Akihito:

    Eclipse216 March 14, 2017 8:06 pm
    Asami knocked off the guy (if you missed that, go reread the chapters, pages were added) and we are to assume they escaped with the helicopter as we see Asami go toward Akihito and Kirishima near the helicopter... ねぇねぇ

    lmao this comment/video made my night!!! xDDDD