All that suffering Ines has to suffer from for her 3 lives only for us to be shown such a ...

¬°`; August 5, 2024 4:06 pm

All that suffering Ines has to suffer from for her 3 lives only for us to be shown such a disappointing antagonist bitch. I'm not saying that she should be equal to Ines, but really? This ugly mutt really dreamed of taking her place? Even when Ines didn't even chose that useless man whore of a prince, she still dared to make Ines suffer! Why blame Ines when it's her parents that gave that disaster-risk fuck face!

    baby August 5, 2024 5:52 pm

    there’s not really a definite antagonist though…

    baby August 5, 2024 6:24 pm

    actually.. nevermind

    StoryofMinglan August 5, 2024 7:02 pm

    Disappointing antagonist? Based on what? Appearance?

    Lyr August 9, 2024 10:16 am

    Exactly! That woman is supposed to be the villain who start all this?? She only has her inferiority as the reason.

    StoryofMinglan August 9, 2024 10:31 am

    Author doesn’t write one-dimensional villains. Perhaps readers should wait and see although with this manhwa adaptation, they might just end up making the villains one-dimensional considering how much they only focus on Carcel’s simp side and make Ines into maybe a three-expression FL when she’s a much more complicated person and Carcel is also a serious person. No one would even thinks he is because they turned him in the manhwa comic relief.