And not sexual assault. She literally said she loved it so how was that sexual assault? YALL clearly don't know sex. Yes you can say no and not actually want it (which I never said you couldn't) But in a pleasureful way like in her thoughts saying she loves it is what I'm talking about. Stop switching my meaning. A d again having a man is a flex. Who doesn't want a future husband?? (I know some don't but most do)

but you've got to understand that the way sex has been depicted on this manhwa is really bad. the way 'hurting because it's her first time' has been glamourised when clearly it's not how it's supposed to be is so concerning. you have a bf, won't you want him to care about your feelings while doing this intimate act? it's concerning how many virgin girls can stumble into this thinking that this is what sex is supposed to be, rough and hurting when it's clearly not. and it might potentially idealise SA as consenting sex because they think saying stop doesn't equate to stopping cause clearly they're wet (which is a biological response which is not a definite indicator for pleasure) and no aftercare. and yes she did not say she loved that sexual assault wth.

Okcfirst of all I didn't read all what you said yet but I stopped at the first time part. It's gonna hurt your first time. It's a common fact unless it's small or sum but if it's big.. it's gonna hurt going in the first time. I cried too PLS ITS PAINFUL BUT GETS BETTER. That's why she enjoyed it a while later. When the dick first goes inside you it feels odd, can hurt a little until he hits the right spot thennn that's where it starts. It's just a common sex thing

Ehhh not really.. if you ain't enjoying it you ain't feeling shit. I know how she feels and when it hits the right spot it feels like you are in heaven or sum and get soaked LMAOOO. Yes some ask if you are ok but most really need to ask. Mine just does bc im dramatic but lots others for ppl don't ask
Bro she's literally telling you to stop and that it seriously hurts, what did you not understand