Yeah he does a spoiler i read a went like this
( Quote is from novel update forum user michellaneous)
After everything went down and the queen was imprisoned they meet again for real for the first time for a parliament meeting and this happened afterwards when they were left alone:
( Quote is from novel update forum user michellaneous quoting the novel)
"Now I'm too old to be held in father's arms...but..."
[...some action of moving into a hug...]
"If it's okay with you, can I give father a hug?"
Edwin's (the empror) eyes shook greatly at the unexpected request...[giving permission, more moving into hug)...
His son, whom he held for the first time in 23 years, had a more delicate and thin body than he expected, so he burst into tears.

Has eng trans ans well as on novel update . com (its the same group)
But u can also go on ridibooks or kakaopage and use a screen translator
I read the 13 translated chapter and am fighting thro the og korean ones but i caved and went thro the spoiler on the novel update forum

I totally get u and i am 1000% behind u and hope the manhwa takes some creative liberties there
Like when i read that he gets along well with Robert (the son Etienne gave birth to) i got so fcking mad like how must Etienne feel watching him hold his son and play with him , something he never got , he already went thro that when watching the king gave rishar all his attention in their childhood, like ugh i get so mad
And i gotta say i stan the ml lmao when it was revealed Etienne was a dominant Omega and chamber of nobles went
ok that seals the deal omegas cant rule come rishar get the crown
he went nuh uh
and spilled the beans to the press of Etienne was abused by the queen for being omega, drugged and almost killed
got the whole public behind Etienne so they kinda gave into pressure and made him crown prince
but only after rishar swore to always be Etiennes sword and shield to which the nobles were like
but u cant be sure u are always gonna be on good terms with him
That lead to rishar to reveal that yes they will always and forever be on good term because they MARKED EACH OTHER (!!!!) which is like a big deal if the bond like this cause it means no one else can smell either of their pheromones and they both are going to get sick and die if separated (!!!)
So yeah that solved the problem of the royal family and the dukedome having tension as well as the fear that Etienne might abuse his dominant Omega pheromones like the past king that lead to the no Omega rulers rule lolol
(cant believe they thought of something like this before but then again if separated both bond partners will die so its risky business)
Also how they got together
(This is before the earlier part)
rishar confesses and Etienne is unsure how to answer cause he is unsure if what he feels is love
(Poor abused baby)
Anyway the queen wants to strengthen her chances for the throne and engagement talks come up to an noble omega and both he and Etienne become friends and he tells him that instead of marrying into royalty he wants to become a knight which Etienne endorses some stuff happens and the omega noble does fall for Etienne and confesses which he rejects that does lead Etienne to realise what he feels for rishar is love and confesses to him
So at the end the queen doesn't get executed she just gets imprisoned in an very high old , cold and dark tower for all the crimes she committed not just the stuff with Etienne
Were rishar visits her there and tortures her , saying she is gonna feel the pain she caused Etienne for the rest of her live
He basically just gave her the medicine Etienne eas forced to take and that btch couldnt take the pain begging to be killed
(Like omg hypocrite much? After all she was always on and on about how she didn't care how painful it was and it cant be that painful anyway)
Anyway the two of them have two children
The oldest is an alpha boy and the youngest an omega daughter (dunno about if anyone of them are dominant)
The king actually wanted to crown Etienne immediately but rishar told him to wait 10 years they just had a baby and he wants Etienne to get used to the role and spent time with him and Robert
(their first born son)
And the king agrees
Seems like the king gets along well with Robert but is still very awkward with Etienne
(I mean yeah he is basically was a deadbeat dad all through out his life and had everything gone the way he wanted Etienne would still be getting abused by the queen or would have been murdered after having failed it getting the throne so)
Robert is meant to inherit the throne and the daughter Mirabel will become a commander / knight like rishar