Raws ch 94, the reactions after hearing her sad story is so precious💗 spoiler : ...

Hungry August 5, 2024 11:19 am

Raws ch 94, the reactions after hearing her sad story is so precious spoiler :

- Cheongdo blushing(?), put his head on her lap
- Ian hugged her, she cry a little bit
- later on she hugged chris

*chris asked if she hate him bcs of his green eyes and she said no and proceeded to hugged chris while watching the night sky

Ian try to comfort her after heard her story while cheongdo thinking whether the future article about her are wrong or she is lying. The article said she has worst personality turns out she is a cinnamon roll

    Hungry August 10, 2024 9:24 am

    After reading the raws they were drinking probably slightly drunk, and trust me the lastest version of cheongdo is a masterpieceლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    they give chris surprise bday party its so sweet!! Chirs turn off his barrier so they can have fun together (throwing cake and splashing water)

    Inka August 14, 2024 6:31 pm
    After reading the raws they were drinking probably slightly drunk, and trust me the lastest version of cheongdo is a masterpieceლ(´ڡ`ლ) they give chris surprise bday party its so sweet!! Chirs turn off hi... Hungry

    I'm so curious about what else the newspapers "get wrong," and about the future members too. And holy shit yes that backstory was so sad I had to take a moment to calm myself down after reading it

    Inka August 14, 2024 6:32 pm
    I'm so curious about what else the newspapers "get wrong," and about the future members too. And holy shit yes that backstory was so sad I had to take a moment to calm myself down after reading it Inka

    But I wouldn't put any stock in the blushing part, Cheongdo's probably just drunk/flushed.

    Hungry August 15, 2024 6:24 am
    I'm so curious about what else the newspapers "get wrong," and about the future members too. And holy shit yes that backstory was so sad I had to take a moment to calm myself down after reading it Inka

    Hii! Fr they’re so sweet and innocent just how did they turn into evil ╥﹏╥ cheongdo was read books we didn’t know who wrote it and moms make him read a lot of books send him to the past. Probably mom knew something and I just realized oper is in cover so the oper is evil? also spoiler 107* just ignore it if you don’t want spoiler

    I’m so scared of what will that cult leader do to our mc in lastest ch how did he control monster? And he want something in exchange of mom information I think he saw mc memories!! well cheongdo memories is pretty short but we don’t know yet how much did that evil(?) leader see ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I guess he did see older version of Ian

    Hungry August 15, 2024 6:26 am
    But I wouldn't put any stock in the blushing part, Cheongdo's probably just drunk/flushed. Inka

    Right he’s still emotionless and adorable(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Inka August 15, 2024 10:18 am
    Hii! Fr they’re so sweet and innocent just how did they turn into evil ╥﹏╥ cheongdo was read books we didn’t know who wrote it and moms make him read a lot of books send him to the past. Probably mom ... Hungry

    I'm reading the raws with the help of auto-translate functions, but it seems I'm a couple chapters behind you! The thumbnails on the pay-to-read chapters are very intriguing though >//< when I get to those parts I'll come back to this comment~ To your other comments, yess getting to know these characters now they are less b/w than the books portray them, perhaps they just cherry-pick or exaggerate truths after the incident; but whether or not this is going to affect Cheongdo's future decisions regarding them we'll have to see, plus they do all have the potential for "evil," depending on the catalyst. I love how they are together now, and it's great to see how their relationships change. I am worried about the oper too, he is clearly antagonistic, and while I understand the oper is a coveted position in this world, I want a better idea of the privileges that the oper receives, and just how much power he has compared to Ian and the others.

    Inka August 15, 2024 10:19 am
    Right he’s still emotionless and adorable(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Hungry


    Hungry August 15, 2024 2:55 pm
    I'm reading the raws with the help of auto-translate functions, but it seems I'm a couple chapters behind you! The thumbnails on the pay-to-read chapters are very intriguing though >//< when I get to thos... Inka

    Me too, some are confusing but bearable

    rightt? Maybe its not that bad. Still its funny when mc thought chris is the only one who has the future evil personality but it just him being shy/tsundere. All of them are so adorable. I know Ian will keep the family together but sometimes I want cheongdo to try to run away again like I want to see their reactions

    YESSS I swear you should read the recent its all fun, sweet and creepy. I think I was too excited because of that thumbnail cheongdo and that man his eyes kinda look like him they’re so close so I thought he was his dad( ̄∇ ̄") we haven’t meet mom I’m kinda expecting their sweet and sad meeting-reunion.

    Right! Oper is so suspicious, looks a bit unstable to me especially those eyes and expressions I need that thing to stop show up 3 years of oper was it? I guess oper brain got twisted while fighting for power. There is no information of privilege yet but I think oper hating on Ian too openly poor Ian just wait until Ian get rid of his restrictions (I guess? lol)

    But good news! I found link to the recent raws just a few hours ago! Someone commented the link on bat0 ch 51! Here’s the link

    ~ if not working just search midwood korean name

    Enjoy and lets get thrilled tgt(⌒▽⌒)

    *I’m so waiting for ch 108(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Inka August 16, 2024 3:31 am
    Me too, some are confusing but bearable rightt? Maybe its not that bad. Still its funny when mc thought chris is the only one who has the future evil personality but it just him being shy/tsundere. All of them ... Hungry

    Every single time it tried to translate Chris's cursing lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Chris comes across as cold bc he doesn't have any qualms about doing what needs to be done to get the results he wants (ex: chapter 87), but when he becomes very protective once he considers you one of his people. And lol that chapter was hilarious and so Cheongdo coded, I feel like as more team members join (or maybe if it becomes difficult to keep lying again) that is something that may very well happen

    I am here for it!! Like with the mom, I rly want to know how she came to be embroiled in this, what she has been doing traveling around, how she found out about midwood and Ian, that reunion will probably happen in 3-4 arcs is my guess!

    Honestly that's probably true, power corrupts the oper probably got messed up over the years and like how princes fight each other for succession he is dealing with Ian as a threat.

    Ian's family is so controlling and damn scary too TT but the restriction is more to prevent him from rebelling than to limit his powers right? Side note, I want to meet his sis and see if she is as sweet as him lol

    Ever since seeing chapter 107's (and now 108's) thumbnail I've been anxiously waiting to read them I'm going to keep reading on the official Naver site though, so here's to another five weeks haha. But thank you for the link!

    Btw the new chapters usually come out on Thursday mornings (I'm PST, for time zone reference). Thursdays are my favorite day of the week now lol ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Hungry August 16, 2024 1:32 pm

    YES but he is the wisest according to author(in QnA) also he kinda can read cheongdo mind(like when mc was stabbed and in recovery mc said lucky and he know he liked to be left behind) he really know how to read situation/by experience. I also think he getting softer to the team but still not saying sorry even when he feel guilty. Omg I wish the new team member will say he is tsundere or something that will be fun~

    Its only their first year in sretu we have a long way to go but I want more mom scene she’s so precious its fine even it’s when it’s just mom and mc playing around, about the reunion I expecting mc to clinging to his mom for days not letting go and got the team so confused but something like do you like her? Might come up

    Probably that’s why Ian killed oper before midwood, Ian just to feed up with oper twisted behavior or manipulation

    It will worth the wait (I wish I have that kind of patience) I don’t have naver account I always using the official website hope that helps the author. It’s confusing to make korean account, sometimes I just ask my friends if I can’t hold back the curiosity like that man with similar eyes to mc. It got me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    I’m asian it’s thursday night for me! my favorite bedtime story Idc if I have read it before I just reread everything again but more focusing on detail the art is so great I can tell the author really enjoying making itヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Inka August 21, 2024 12:07 am
    YES but he is the wisest according to author(in QnA) also he kinda can read cheongdo mind(like when mc was stabbed and in recovery mc said lucky and he know he liked to be left behind) he really know how to rea... Hungry

    Chris is definitely sharp-witted haha! That QnA was fun to read, especially the early character drawings, I cannot wait for it to be translated for better clarity. If the new member calls him that, Chris is going to be pissed lol XD He takes a while to trust and soften up, and reading Sylvia's first entrance I remember how pissed and prickly he was, which is such a departure from how they are now. Again, which I love for them now! I love their relationship, but also wanna see it tested, and how they will take to a new member in the mix. Maybe Chris and the new member will never get along/always butt heads, who knows? (Like One Piece's Sanji and Zoro, but worse lmao)

    They have three years to go before the massacre, right? T^T It pulls at the heart to know how special their reunion is~ I feel like Cheongdo will be clingy in the kinda shadow the mom or follow after her (like a puppy) way, and try to get involved in whatever she has going on. I feel like the dad will also show up in the same arc! Maybe Cheongdo's dad will even be one of the members?? So the mom will have a favorable opinion of Ian bc of that, either that or Ian/Cheongdo once saved the two :3

    Yup! Something big happened that gave him that scar, which was probably the last straw. Ian already has mentioned a few times that he despises humans for their bad nature, so I think the oper will be the greatest example of human corruption and malice in his eyes.

    I wish I had Korean speaking friends lol XD I was fine waiting, but with the link within reach it's a super big temptation for me now ╥﹏╥

    And yes!! I feel that, too. Are you following them on IG? I love to see them put the characters in all these different compositions, and they're awesome!

    Hungry August 21, 2024 12:45 pm
    Chris is definitely sharp-witted haha! That QnA was fun to read, especially the early character drawings, I cannot wait for it to be translated for better clarity. If the new member calls him that, Chris is goi... Inka

    FR! I vote for frenemies(≧∀≦) I hope there will be one silly/goofy teammate just to make everything more chaotic. I believe there’s one arc to test their bond but please dont make it too awkward for them. the early chapters the arc when cheongdo confronted the blueberry guy, everything in that arc is soooo awkward I cant

    Omg yes his dadd! I wonder who is he, mc is strong it might be from his daddy(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ mother’s on the weak side since she was always hurt :( . Sweet! If dad becomes a team members then he will meet his son everyday since he won’t be present for mc in the future ╥﹏╥ cant wait for mom opinion on everyone must be so sweet, cheerful and calming ╥﹏╥

    Indeed, Poor Ian probably there’s valid reason but still it’s too much to kill everyone. He just give up on everything and let the monster run wild. Hope the reason will be revealed and his act is justified. i can’t wait for oper bad deeds to revealed. So much possibilities, Ian might tried to save everyone but the oper tell them otherwise and that flipped his switch or bcs his loved family/friends are all died (chris died(?) but mc said Ian and his team did the massacre so probably not his close friend?) certain someone made something to the people(mind control?) so they just clean them to stop the diseases. It’s fun to guessing lol

    Don’t do it lmao I’m struggling from waiting the next chapter I can’t even see the thumbnail/highlights anymore╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but you can read ch104 its full of chris birthday! Really pretty and nothing spoiled or not it’s just a few days apart(⌒▽⌒”)

    I do! The author updated at every chapter its fun to see them! those mini story or the modern art are adorableヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ And I know cheongdo wins every games he can get really rich just from that ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Hungry August 21, 2024 12:59 pm
    FR! I vote for frenemies(≧∀≦) I hope there will be one silly/goofy teammate just to make everything more chaotic. I believe there’s one arc to test their bond but please dont make it too awkward for the... Hungry

    There’s also possibilities of Ian having anger issues in some chapter his background turned into dark but quickly changed after he saw his teammates (mc) and the some dark bubble text too

    Inka August 21, 2024 8:52 pm
    FR! I vote for frenemies(≧∀≦) I hope there will be one silly/goofy teammate just to make everything more chaotic. I believe there’s one arc to test their bond but please dont make it too awkward for the... Hungry

    Yea! A goofy character who buddies up to Cheongdo and teases Chris constantly would be great lol! There are still three members to go, I honestly wish Cheongdo would reveal a bit more about them bc I only have the back of their heads in that one panel back in chapter 1 to go off of (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    For the sake of theorizing, what do you think of the possibility of a member with a shy/diffident personality, like nervous or low self-esteem type? I'm trying to imagine a balance in intentions, between having a range of personalities within a group, yet it's a fact that all of Ian's teammates are incredibly powerful, and having power would usually mean characters have a certain level of confidence or something? I'm guessing if there will be an anxious character, he/she'll be a lil messed up like they lack empathy

    Lmao blueberry guy, yea I don't want another arc like that

    Inka August 21, 2024 10:56 pm
    There’s also possibilities of Ian having anger issues in some chapter his background turned into dark but quickly changed after he saw his teammates (mc) and the some dark bubble text too Hungry

    It may have to do with the way he was raised, in what seems like a clan (of assassins?) with a long history. Ian definitely has a big heart, but also fills with rage quickly. There'll be no holds barred if someone dares lay a hand on any of his teammates (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Hungry August 22, 2024 5:04 am
    Yea! A goofy character who buddies up to Cheongdo and teases Chris constantly would be great lol! There are still three members to go, I honestly wish Cheongdo would reveal a bit more about them bc I only have ... Inka

    Someone on cheongdo side to make him even more confused(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ cheongdo really know how to keep us around! honestly I think the one with grey hair and hoodie like clothes is the laidback/twisted one

    Might be true! Too powerful that they lose confidence to use it or timid one with twisted personality :D but if they’re too shy/introvert they might suffering from the constant living together they might go real twisted just because they’re placed in the same room all the time jk Ian won’t let that happen

    On the second thought I think silvia filling the goofy personality, Ian kind, chris ballistic, mc is observant we lack someone who’s cautious or someone with advanced technology/good making traps/tools/poison/plan/strategy. The back of the brown guy head looks smart/charismaticლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Ian is a swordsman, chris wizard silvia fighter the next one someone who is fast on their feet? assassins/stealth expert? (I thinking the grey with hoodie he’s so suspicious probably he’s really the one with anxious/twisted/laidback personality(๑•ㅂ•)و✧)

    I feels like the girl with long braided hair in front is used to live alone fighting the monster giving boss energy

    Hungry August 22, 2024 5:14 am
    It may have to do with the way he was raised, in what seems like a clan (of assassins?) with a long history. Ian definitely has a big heart, but also fills with rage quickly. There'll be no holds barred if some... Inka

    He’s really cool for that I love taking care of my people kinda thing. Yes a samurai!!( I guess? Lmao) Turn the brightness to the fullest you can see his long hair tied back like cheongdo did and still has both earrings

    Inka August 22, 2024 6:20 pm
    Someone on cheongdo side to make him even more confused(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ cheongdo really know how to keep us around! honestly I think the one with grey hair and hoodie like clothes is the laidback/twisted oneMi... Hungry

    Oop for some reason only half of my previous response sent

    Inka August 22, 2024 7:00 pm
    He’s really cool for that I love taking care of my people kinda thing. Yes a samurai!!( I guess? Lmao) Turn the brightness to the fullest you can see his long hair tied back like cheongdo did and still has bo... Hungry

    Same! Ohhh right, and he rubbed his ear out of worry for his friend so maybe that friend had given him an earring and/or he gave his to her. I wonder who his family is tasked with protecting--criminals? Maybe that's part of why they want to ensure Ian won't get in the way

    Hungry August 23, 2024 5:39 am
    Oop for some reason only half of my previous response sent Inka

    Did it got deleted? That’s sucksΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)