I actually like the story line

BaskingintheSun August 5, 2024 7:08 am

The entire relationship, however toxic is built on it being unbalanced, with no hope for recovery. The MC is at a disadvantage because of his gender (Recessive Omega) and his economic status. In an Omegaverse story, an Omega is naturally at the mercy of Alpha pheromones. Normally, their own pheromones would slightly balance the scale, but clearly the MC lacks that ability. There's also the kid and the MC's inability to actually provide for his son's medical needs.

Do I think these issues will be resolved? Not really. I can't forsee any character development for the MC. But it's not as bad as the rating makes it seem.

Also, controversial opinion- but I dislike the art style. The bodies seem weird. MC for one looks somewhere between starved and an aquatic animal with all those ribs. He is constantly orange too. Like Trump. His partner also has weird body proportions. And they've played up the "Big, dark dick" so much that in a few scenes it looked like the MC was pooping. I understand that most people probably don't feel like this.

    Silac August 5, 2024 7:59 pm

    The mc always looks really off to me but then the ML is so well drawn that rlly pissed me off
    I dont hate Yejun but he looks… ugly kinda in some panels

    BaskingintheSun August 6, 2024 1:56 pm
    The mc always looks really off to me but then the ML is so well drawn that rlly pissed me off I dont hate Yejun but he looks… ugly kinda in some panels Silac
