It's been a ride...

kinda_judgemental August 5, 2024 4:31 am

Well, the second part was hella underwhelming..
not gonna re-read it, but i guess it was nice for what it was. more on the charming side than the good story or good characters side.
Also I hated the gods, fuck them, redhead especially, fucking creep, i definitely can't understand what was the whole point in sealing the gods if you can just bring a pure soul into that world and boom they're all in love with her and there's peace on earth. And by gods and men, can you fuck up a story's climax more than that? i literally forgot the villain hasn't been defeated yet at some point, everything just kept going from cutsey scene to sex scene to cutsey scene again, to the point tjat i was bored of seeing them together by the time of the epilogue.
I also can't stand the blondie emperor, little bitch should've gotten the forever alone on the throne route.
Aaaand in the end we wrapped up every single character's storyline with a pretty pink bow and they are now GOD EMPERORS THAT WILL SAVE THE WORLD.
